Refutation of Advaita Vedānta...
17 Criticism of Upadişadic Armadvaita or Brahmädvaita is found in early Jainagamas such as Sutrakstānga and Visesavasya kabbaşya.' The line of presentation and refutation of Advaita is more or less similar in all the major works of Jainism. Certain common features are found in both Jainism and Advaita Vedanta such as liberation as the highest goal of life, ignorance of Reality as the cause of our bondage, Law of Karma, Jivanmukti etc., still in certain other matters both the systems are diametrically opposed to each other, Absolutism of Advaita Vedanta claims that, Reality is one without a second, this world is mere appearance and ultimately there is no difference between supreme Reality and individual soul. & Jainism is a system of realism, dualism and pluralism. It is a realism, because it recognises the reality of the external world; it is a kind of dualism, because it advocates two fundamental realities; the Jiva (Soul) and the Ajiva (non-soul) which are obviously controdictorily related to each other; and a pluralism on account of belief in pluralities of substance. 10 Advaita Vedanta believos in absolute non-dualism while Jainism advocates non-absolutism or many-sided theory of Reality (Ane. kantavada). It rejects both the extreme view of absolute eternality as well as absolute non-existence. It is a system of unity in difference, of onein-many and of identity-in-change, 11 According to Jainism Advaita Vedānta is one-sided theory which rejects particularities and emphasises only oneness of Reality. It gives only partial knowledge of Reality and falls under the sangrahanaya. 19 6. Evamegeti jappanti manya arambhanissia. Ege kicca sayam pavam. ivvam, dukkham niyacchai"-Sutrakytānga-1-10 and see 8, 9, 11, Ed. Ambikadatta Oza, Pub. Jaina
Jnanodaya Society, Rajkot, V.S, 1993, p. 31-35. 7. Visesavasyakabhāşya-II, Gathā 2036-2045, Pub. L. D. Institute of Indology,
Ahmedabad-9, 1968. 8. (a) “Brahmasatyam jaganmithya jivobrahmi va năparah". Brahmajñānavalimala-verse
20. works of Sri Sankarácarya, Vol. 16, Vanivilas Press, Srirangam. p. 224. (b) Bhāmati-mangala verse 1-Brahmasūtra Sankarabhäşya with Rainaprabha, Bha
mati and Anandagirivyākhyā, ed. Mahadev Shastri Bakre. Fub. : Nirnayasagara
Press, Pombay, 1909. 9. Taţtvārthadhigamasūtra with Siddhasepagani tikā (T. S.) 11-4 Fd. H. R. Kapadia.
Pub.: J. S. Javeri, Bombay, 1926. 10. (a) T, S, I-V-2. (b) Pramānapayatatt välokālankāra-VII, 56, ed. H. S. Bhattacharya, Pub. Jaina
Sahitya Vikas Manda, Bombay, 1967. p. 560. 11. Şaddariapasamuccaya with Gunaratnasuri tika. Ed. Mahendra Kumar Jain, Pub. :
Bharatiya Joanapitha, Kasi, 1969. p. 344. 12. (a) Akalanka's Siddhiviniscaya with tika. Ed. Mahendrakumar Jaina, Pub. :
Bharatiya Jnanapitha, Kasi, 1959. pt. II, p. 677-78. (6) P, N, T, VII-13, 15, 16, p. 518-520, T-3
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