(Earlier in Gupta inscriptions also we find Prakritic or mixed names like छगलग, चिरातदत्त, खेज्जस्वामिन्, गण्डक, शुंकक, पिच्चकुंड, गोगिल, ककुटि etc., besides names of unknown origin like खासक, बोन्द, बम्पियक etc.
Village Names
पिप्पलरुंखरी probably for पिप्पलरुक्खडी (Pk. रुक्ख देसुरक्षितिज्ज = देव - सुरक्षित + Pk. - इज्ज (< Sk. -ईय). देसेनक = देवसेनक.
धम्मणहडिका धम्मण + Pk. खड्डा + इका. (खड्डा
डंडुभवास (?).
भडासक = भटवासक.
In these proper names we find Prakritic suffixes attached to Prakrit or Sanskrit bases: Diminutive suffixes like इल, उल, उक, इक्कः किक्कुक, आलुक, दत्तिल, वत्सुल, दत्तुलिक, भोगिक्कस्वामिन्; ट (<Pk. ड) : बप्पटक, अच्चड ल्ल, इल्ल, उल्लः जज्जलक, भाटल, भोडल, शान्तिल्ल, संगुल्लि
Sk. वृक्ष).
Incidentally it may be noted here that there are numerous technical terms in Sanskrit texts on musicology (names etc. of Prakritic or non-Sanskritic origin). But it would require a separate inquiry.
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गर्ता) .
Similarly use of Sanskritzed words of Perso-Arabie origin also occuring in later Sanskrit texts (e.g. in the Sekaśubhodaya of Halayudha Miśra, in some of the Jain Prabandhas like the Pańcaśatiprahodha) merits a separate treat
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The above given list from the Śrigäramañjarī is not based on a thorough scanning of the text. But for our present purpose it suffices to give us a picture of the mixed nature of