pūryate 65 20 ‘it is enough'. Pk. pujjai. pecaka 47 8, 12 tip or root of an elephant's tail'.
MW. petaka
33 'a multitude.' MW. Pk. pedaya-, pracalākin- 27 18 ‘a peacock'. Compare Abhi. 1320 :
pracalāka- = kalapa-. pracchada-pata-61 11, 12, 15, 16 ‘bed-spread, coverlet'. MW;
Abh. 676; LJS. 23 (Old Guj. pachevadau). prāghūrnika- 64 13 'guesť. IAL. 8973. prähvaņika- 59 3, 10, 16 ‘guest'. prāhvanika- 59 18, 19 'hospitality'. bhāti
64 last line. 'wages of prostitution'. IAL
9468. mocanaka- 48, 9; 65 11 ‘setting free from a binding'. rathya-karpata- 32 9 'rags thrown in streets'. Compare rathya
kārpatika- 'street-beggar', Subhāṣitaratna
koşa, verse 980 rahakkakā- 74 5, 82 20, 83 11. 'acute sense of isolation
due to love-lorn condition' (?) rucita-dhệstika 58 15 (to be emended as rucitaghrstikā); rucita-ghrstikā 84 1, 'having sexual intercourse with any
person one takes fancy for' (?) (with refernce
to a prostitute). rebh
82 16, 83 11. rebhita- ‘prattling' (?); rebhaka
‘prattler' (?) lataksutka- 25 8 ‘loitering'. Compare Hindi ladkhadānā. lālikā
37 last but one line. ‘a rope round the nose
of a hourse , reins'. MW. vardhāpanaka- 34 19, 46 9-10 'congratulatory celebration'.
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