1. Compound verbal roots in MIA and NIA
1. Beside the denomnatives and cvi-forms, we have in Prakrit roots of phrasal origin, onomatapoctic roots of the simple repetitive and rhyming types and composite roots. In the later type two rhyming roots, near-synonymous or liaving allicd, complimentary or opposite meanings, are compounded to function as one root. Such compounding of two verbal roots to form a single root was historically a new development in Middle Indo-Aryan, which continued subsequently also in New Indo-Aryan. Somchow this important trait has not been noted by the students of MIA.The present inquiry is restricted to the data collected from Prakrit and Gujarati. The source for Prakrit is Päisaddamahannavo, when it is not given otherwise. For relevant historical and comparative data reference is given to the cntires in Turner's Comparative Dictionary of Indo-Aryan Languages (= IAL.)
Pk. adavad- 'totter, stagger'
Besides adavadaņa (verbal noun), adavadaṁta- (pres. part) occurs at Manoramākahā, p. 325, v. 1002.
It is a compound of ad- (= Sk. al-) 'to wander' and vad = pad (= Sk. pat-) 'to fall'. Guj. advadvù 'to stagger', advadiyû 'a stageer'.
kadamadd-'to destroy
It is commonly used in Apabhramśa; see for example Paumacariya, Vol. II and III glossary.
It is a compound of kad- 'to destroy' and madd- 'crush, trample down'. Pk. kadana- = Sk. kadana-; Pk. madd- = Sk. mard
Pk. khalabhal = -to be agitated', ppp. Ap. khalabhaliya
It is a compound of Pk.khal ( =Sk. skhal - 'to stumble') and bhal/phal- (=Sk. sphal-) 'move quickly, quiver, jerk'. See (IAL 13663 and 13822. 6. khalbhalvu.
Pk. khasaphas-(khasapphas-) to make restless movement, be agitated'. pre. part.khasaphasamāņa-. cvi-form (past. past. part). Ap. khasapphasihua
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