तिलकम जग
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(2) U fè:; VVV 113011 through scribal oversight. (3) KK1 912. (4) vyiy ofani. (5) U staato (7) VyiV2 412; Bachas. (8) s The verse number of Vs. 14 is dropped and this entails a mistake of on number less throughout in the VSS. that follow upto vs. 43. (10) U drops o010 in 1918'10. (12) VBK VIV K w a: U orga. (15) VViV2 oxunaqay; ST (17) U 429 yalezi... (18) U 21. (22) U 491441; (32) Uogo
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(1) U P. (5) V aufz0; U 9441f44: (6) U drops c and d of vs. 29. (9) U Arth. (12) VVIV? zaaiao; BKK1 vanato (18) VBKVIV? gfraujo. U misnumbers this verse as 34 and the mistake of one number less is carried further on. (23) U 0664147: (24) Tpv. ofaafa. (26) BKK1 misnumber this verse as 37 and the mistake of one number less is carried further on. (26) SU शिषारिणां. S .लक्षोऽभवन् : Tpv लक्ष्म्याऽभवत् BKK misnumber the vs. 38 as 37 and the mistake of one number lees is carried further on, (27) VKV V2K arut; SSU aftos: Tpy ata. S tilizual PVBKVIV2K : 161 &1405. (31) V 1244100. (32) VBKVIVPK:SSU Tpv og fhd
(2) SUTpv opalio (3) Tpv (3) SU TRAI (6) Tpv. 317) (9) PVKV'V'K' Otto (11) U repeats aa gati (15) K 4 ViV2 citavento SU Oitaadio. (16) KKB1 oldid:3110, S The verse number of vs. 44 is not mentioned; S The three verses beginning with ice etc., are put between vs. 44 and 45, and the quarters b and d of the two vss. Jei bu etc., and no etc., are interchanged as d and b respectively in the respective verses. (19) PVBKV V2KJ 91. (21) Tpv 91 (24) Pmg, watch for Haga o C Bogo; SThe vs. no. of this verse is not mentioned. (55) PVBKV VPK -1950 (26) PV alaga; BK Has; U laí. (27) J JE PVBKVVK oro (28) S The vs, 47 is numbered as 44 (28) T V55. 54-57 are put after vs. 47, bui the manuscript tradition of the TM does not uphold this (30) jedlo.
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