Cell Stractares and Functions
with its characteristic properties, to another with new properties 15 and energy16 is released or absorbed, as is suggested by the statement that dehaparyāpti (the vital force of the body ) brings about the change in rasībhūtam ābāram (molecules of nutrients and transforms them into different elements of organism, such as, rasa (chyle), asrg (blood), māmsa (flesh), meda (fat). asthi (bone), majja (marrow), sukra ( semen ), etc. 17 in successive order by providing energy to change one substance, with its characteristic properties, to another with new properties. In this way a chemical reaction is brought about by paryāpti in the transformation and operation of sense-organs 18 involving the molecular structure of one or more material substances (pudgalas ).
This course of metabolism or chemical reaction from the molecules nutrients ( rasibhūtam āhāram) to chyle ( rasaṁ ) up to semen ( sukra ), etc. is clearly explained in Caraka Drdhavala Samhita quoted by Aruņadatta in his commentary on Vāgbhata in the following manner : “The food stuff which goes down the gullet by the action of prāna vāyu (biomotor force ) becomes mixed up first with a gelatinous mucus (phenibhūtam kapham) and then gets acidulated by the further chemical action of a digestive juice (Vidābādamlatām gataḥ). Next samānavāyu drives down the chyme by means of the grahaņinādi (oesophagus canal) to the pittāśaya (duodenum) and thence to the small intestines (āmapakkāśaya ). The bile acts on the chyme and converts the latter into the chyle (rasa ). This chyle contains in a decomposed and metamorphosed condition all the organic compounds, viz. tissue-producing earth-compounds, water-compounds, teja - compounds, vāyu - compounds and finer etheric constituents which serve as the vehicle of conscious-, ness. The essence of chyle (sūksmabhāga) is driven by prāņavāyu, from the small intestines first to the heart, thence to the liver (and the spleen ); in the liver the colouring substance in the bile acts on the essence of chyle, especially on the teja -substance therein, and imparts
15. Ibid. 16. "Dravyanimittam hi saṁsārinām viryamupajāyate", Karmaprakrti, vide Nava
tattvaprakaraṇa, p. 13. "Tam rasibhūtamaharam yayā saktya punarbhavi // Rasasrgmamsamedo asthimajjagukradidhatutam / Nayedyathāsambhavam să dehaparyaptirucyate/"
Lokaprakāśa, Pt. I, 3rd Sarga, vv. 18-19; Navatattvaprakarana, pp. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. 18. “Dhātutvena pariņatādāhārādîndriyocitāti
Ādaya pudgalämästäni yathasthaṁ pravidhāya call Işte tadvişayajñaptau yayā saktyä sarsravān 7 Paryaptih sendriyavhānā darsita sarvadarsibhiḥ 11 ” Lokaprakāša, Pt. I, 3rd Sarga. v. 20-21; See also Navatattvaprakarana (comm.) on v. 6, pp. 12-16.
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