Jaina Biology
rasa (chyle) which in turn gets transformed by paryapti ( vital force ), into different elements of organism, such as blood, flesh, fat, bone, marrow, semen, etc. in successive order.
According to Jaina Biology, the metabolic activities of animal, plant and bacteria cells are remarkably similar, 8 despite the differences in the appearances. One of the matabolic difference between plants and animals is the ability of green plants to carry on photosynthesis, to trap the energy of sunlight and to use it to synthesize compounds, i. e. “to incorporate carbon dioxide molecules into organic compounds”, 10 as it is suggested by the following statement. “In Summer season many usnayonikajivas and pudgalas get produced as plant-bodied beings (Vanaspatikāyikas ) in certain numbers and they increase and decrease also in certain numbers and get reproduced, for this reason many plants having leaves, flowers and fruits, appear to be green and shining."11
This scientific suggestion on photosynthesis is supported by Modern Biology in this manner. “In this way plants synthesize carbo-hydrates and from them, proteins, fats and other substances. Bacteria and animal cells also have the ability to “fix” carbon dioxide, to incorporate carbon dioxide into a veriety of organic compounds, but only green plants and a few bacteria have the ability to convert radiant energy to chemical energy to drive the process; animals and bacteria must get the energy for carbon dioxide fixation from energy-yeilding processes.''12
Chemical Reactions
It appears from the activities of paryāpti (vital force )13 that a chemical reaction is a change14 involving the molecular structure of one or more substances; matter (pudgala ) is changed from one substance,
7. Lokaprakāśa, Pt. I, 3rd Sarga, Vv. 18-21; Navatattvaprakarana, V. 6, pp. 12, 13,
14, 15, 16. 8. Saddarsana - Samau ccaya with Gunaratna's commentary Tarkarahasyadipikā : “Bakulásokacampakadyanekavidhavanaspatinámetāņi sarirani na Jivavyāpāraman
tar eņa, manusy: šauirasamánadharmabhāõji bhavanti 1” p. 157 * Tatha yathā, manusya sarrian stanakşiravyañjanaudananadyahärābhyavahārādābarakam 1", p. 158. Ibid. "Tatha yatha manusyaśarīrasya rasayanasunhadhyupayogadvisistakantirasābalopacayadi, tatha vaoaspatisarirasyāpi visiştestanabhojaládisekadvišişta
rasaviryasnigdhatvadi 1". Ibid. p. 159. 9. Bhagavati Sutra, 7.3.270, 10. Biology, p. 56, 11. Bhagavati Sutra 7.3.275. 12. Biology, p. 56. 13. Lokaprakāša, Pt. 1, 3rd Sarga, vv, 15, etc.; Navatattvaprakaraṇam, v. 6; p. 12. etc. 14. "Pudgalañcahadisvarūpāņāṁ kbalarasadiparinamane," etc. Navatattvaprakarana,
(comm.) on v. 6, p. 13.
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