of isolated genera and species intermediate between two such genera. enough in its main lines. It was in preceded it in the Vedic period and made in the field of Ancient Indian
But their classification is clear great advance of anything that no further advance on it was Biology80.
The widest divisions are Dvindriya (two-sensed), Trindriya (threesensed), Caturindriya, (four - sensed) and Pañcendriya (five-sensed) animals answering to the modern in vertebrates (two-sensed), threesensed and four-sensed animals and Vertebrates (five-sensed animals) respectively on the basis of the number of sense-organs81 possessed by each of them and also on that of habitat-Jalacara (aquatic), Sthalacara (terrestrial) and Nabhacara (aerial).81 Of the pañcendriyas (fivesensed animals) the main genera are viviparous quadrupeds (cetacea) (Jarayuja) and oviparous (andaja) birds (pakṣin), apoda-oviparous reptiles (parisarpa) and amphibia (frog-maṇḍuka) and oviparous fishes (matsya).
Besides these, there are the isolated species-man and certain intermediate species monkey (golangula), etc. Dvindriya, Trindriya, and Caturindriya praņis (lower and higher invertebrates) that are divided on the basis of the consistency of their inner and outer parts and sense
Each of these genera has many differentiae and they can accordingly be grouped in many ways, but the most illuminating of these as indicated by Jaina Biology is that which depends on the mode of generation Sammurcchima82 (asexual reproduction or spontaneous generation) and garbhavyutkrantika83 (sexual reproduction) Andaja (oviparous), Jarayuja and Potaja (viviparous) (placental). The highest types of animal are Jarayujas and Potajas (vivipara).84 That is to say, those which have vital force to reproduce sexually offspring qualitatively
Jain Education International
80. Bhagavati Vyakhyāprajnapti 1. 5. 48; 2. 1. 83-84; 9. 32. 375; 20. 1. 663. 24. 17. 708-12; Uttaradhyayana Sūtra 36. 127; 136; 150-155 Paṇṇavanā Jivapannavana 1. 56. 57, 58, 61-91, 92-138; Tattvärthadhigama Sutra II. 24. 34. 81. Bhagavatt 7. 5. 282; Uttaradhyayana 36. 171; Pannavana, 1. 61. p. 29. 82. Uttaradhyayna 36. 170; Bhagavati 7. 5. 282; Jivabhigama Sutra 1. 33. Pappavanā 1. 56. etc.
83. Uttaradhyayana 36. 170; Bhagavati 7. 5. 282; Jivabhigama 1. 33.
Pappavanā 1. 68, etc.
84. Bhagavati 7. 5. 282; Jivabhigama 3. 1. 96; Tattvärthadhigama Sutra 11. 34. JB-40
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