71. Cāra - 68 6 5 'a morsel of grass'.
(=tīņa-kavalam (gl.); PS.M. does not note the word in this sense; cf. Hi., Gcar= 'food for cattle' and M., G. cārā= 'food for beasts and birds (grass, leaves, grains, worms etc., yet specially understood of gias)'. For N. I A. derivatives see ND. caro= 'food (especially for
animals)'. cara- is connected with Sk. car-, 'graze'.)] 72. ^ Cimmakk- 'to startle':
cimmakkai (pres.3.s.) 16 2 3, 60 23 8. [=camatkytim karoti (gl.); PSM. does not note it; cim nakk- is derived from Sk. camat-+kr-. See camakk- at S. No. 69 and cavakkCirāņi- 30 16 4 'old one'. [The text gives the reading virānī and virāgini as the gloss on it. But the word is not attested elsewhere. It is quite probable that the better reading is that preserved by MBP manuscripts, namely, cirāni, In that case cirānī= 'old one' which would be derived from Sk. criatana-. Hence the word "virani " in the text appears to be a ghost word, formed as a result of the confusion between va- and 6a-, The relevant passage is---"kahāni gujjha-rahacche cāru citāni-'the old story
charming on account of deeply mysterious elements', See virāņi-.)] 74. Cumcumbiya - (p.p.) 52 11 2 'touched'
[=sprsta-(gl.). Reduplicative cf Sk. ncumb, 'to touch softly'.)] 75. » Cuị 'to eat (w.s. to birds)':
cunamti (pres.3.pl.) 16 13 2. [ The relevant passage is - "kanisam cunamti riicha" 'the parrots are picking the ear-of-corn'; cf. PSM. cun-sci-, 'to eat (w.r. to birds)'; in support of this sense PSM. quotes the following passage from Sūktamuktāvali: - "kāo limbohaliń cuņai" -'crow picks nimafruits'; cf. cun- in this sense occurring in JC. at 1 3 12; cf. Hindi cugna, G. can-vu= 'to pick up grains with beak, to eat grains (said
» CUN- is derived from Sk. *cunoti; cf. cinoti= 'collects'. See ND. cunnu= 'to pucker, gather'. I
i 76. Cūya- 91 11 2 'the nipple of the breast'.
[=cūcukāgra-(gl.); cf. cua-= stanaśikha, 'nipple' (D. 3 18); cf. G. cūcte 'the nipple of the breast'; cüya- cau be regularly derived from Sk. cücuka-> cūa-: cf. MW. cūcukāgra= ‘nipple' (of the breast) (Vikramorvasi
and cūcis 'the female breast' (W). ] 77. Cokkha – 73 28 13, 93 6 4 'pure, clean'.
Compare PSM. cokkha-(D)= śuddha-, pavitra-, quoting in support
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