61. Ghanaghana- 31 6. 13 5 7. 56 9 24.62 4. 10. 62 15 5. 21
16 9, 99 12 5 'excessive, very much, many, dense'. (=satiśayam (gl); PSM. does not note it; cf. ghanaghana- occurring in this very sense in NC. at 4 2 2 and 5 4 14. ghanughana is derived
from Sk. ghanaghana-= 'compact, thick'] 62. Ghiyaūri- 91 21 10 (v.l. ghiyaūra-) a kind of sweet-meat'.
(=ghsta-pura-(gl.); cf. PSM. ghevara-, gheura - (D )=miştānna-visesa-: cf. ghiyaūra- occurring in the above sense in PC.II, cf. ghsta-pura-= 'sweet-meat' (supplement to J.O. I., vol.x, po.2, p.132); cf, MW. ghsta. pūra-= 'a sweet-meat' (Susruta); cf Hi, ghebar-, G. ghevar-= 'a kind of
sweet-meat made of flour, milk, ghee, cocoanut and sugar'.] 63 » Ghiv- 'to throw'.
ghitta“ (p.p.) 52 16 9. Compare PSM. ghitta-= kşipta, 'thrown' quoting in support from Bb.; cf. ghitta- occurring in this sense in JC., NC. KC.,PC. I; for a discu
ssion see notes on the word ghitta- occurring at NC. 3 6 11!.] 64. Ghul- 'to shake or agitate briskly, to dangle about, to swing to
and fro': ghulai (pres. 3. s.) 1 11 12,2 1 8,4 14 12,5 15 2,61 14,7 9 6; ghulaṁti (pres.3.pl.) 70 21 4; ghulesai (fut.3.s ) 22 12 6; ghulamta (pres.p.) 3 5 13 8 2 14, 9 38, 11 19 9, 73 18 12; ghuli(y)a-(p.p.) 3 10 10, 4 15 6, 9 17 10, 9 28 6, 17 i 12, 17 13 1, 27 7 9, 32 14 6, 38 14 4, 66 17 9, 71 17 13, 82 1 3, 88 7 10. [The gloss loosely renders ghulai with patati at 4 14 12 and at 5 15 2; in both the places ghürnati suits the context; Cf. ghul- occurring in this very sepse in JC., NC., PC.I, II, Bb., KC. For N.I.A. derivatives see ND. gholnu= 'to stir, mix' Nghul- is probably derived from
Sk » ghur- which lies at the basis of ^ ghürn-.] 65. Ghor- 'to snore';
ghorai (pres. 3.s.) 69 3 9; ghoraṁta (pres.p.) 85 7 8. (compare PSM, N ghor-= 'to snore'; cf, głor-= 'store' (PC. III); cf. G. ghor-vū, M. ghor-nê= 'to snore'; for N.I.A. derivatives see ND. ghurnu= 'to snore'. w ghor, is derived from Sk. ghur-, 'to cry fright
fully, to snore!) 66 „Ghol- 'to shake, agitate briskly, dangle':
gholai (pres 3.s.) 12 5 29, 52 10 5, 85 2 7; gholamta (pres.p.) 3 2 6, 4 1 5, 29 10 5, 35 1 5, 61 22 4; gholamana (pres. p.) 9 25 1, 12 8 5:
gholira- (verbal derivative) 38 8 1,38 17 11, 83 84, 86 2 12. 1. Ņāyakumāracariu, ed. by Jain, notes. p. 194,
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