39. Ohull— 'to fade, to wither':
ohullamta--(pres, p.) 58 15 6; ohulla-(p.p.) 70 8 2; ohulliya-(p.p.) 7 10 l. 82 15 6. [ohullamta-vayanu= śuş yadvadanaḥ (gl. at 58 15 6), mlāna (gl. at 70 8 2, 70 10 1 and 82 15 6); cf. PSM. ohulla-(D)=khinna-, 'downcast', avanata-, 'bent down' quoting from Bh.; cf. w ohull-occurring in this very sense in PC. I and PC. Il. It is not clear whether ohura- in the sense of khinna-, 'distressed, downcast', avanata-, 'bent down' (D. 1. 157) has any connection with ohulliya-, Nohull-is derived from Sk. ava-+phulla-, 'to
fade' as opposed to ut-+phulta-; 'to bloom'; } 40. Kappaņa- 46 10 11 'cutting'.
[Compare „kapp-= chid 'to cuť (H. 4 57 ); cf, w kapp-=' to cut (PC. I, PC. II); cf. M. kāp-në, G. kāp-vú, Sindhi kapaņu=' to cut'; see ND. kapnu= 'to cut, hew'. Turner derives kap from Sk: kalp, Pk. kapp- See kainpana below) Kampaņa (v. 1. kappana- ) 11 16 10 ( v. 1. kappaņa ) 12 18 7; 28 36 15; 31 7 1; 83 6 6; 'a sort of lance fashioned out of iron', 'a dagger": [ =sarvalohamayaḥ kuntah, kațāri-(gl.); PSM. does not note kampaņa-, but notes ka ppani- in the sense of 'scissors'. See kappana-above. For the word katāri- given in the gloss see Appendix ] Karadā— 3 20 5, 4 11 1, 17 3 5 'a kind of drum'. I Compare PSM. karada-(D) Evadya-viseşa : cf, karada- and karadaoccurring in this very sense in PC. III; cf Kan. karade= 'an oblong drum beaten on both sides, a sort of double drum'. karada- is derived from Sk. karaļā ; cf. MW. karata-= 'a kind of drum' (Commentary
on Varāhamihira's Bịhatsaṁhitā.) See tunava.-] 43. Karamba-57 1 11 'curds rice'.
Compare PSM.. and Pāi 440 karamba -= dadhyodanas; in support of this meaning PSM. quotes from Supāsaņāhacariu; cf, karamba = 'rice mixed with curds' (Supplement to J. O. I., vol. X, no. 2, p. 117); cf. G. karmo= 'an offering of rice mixed with curds and cumin seed'; cf. MW. karamba = a kind of gruel' (kuown in Vedic literature), and karambha = 'a cake or flour or meal mixed with curds, a kind of gruel (generally offered to Pūşan as having no teeth to masticate hard food' (RV): cf. karambhad='epithet of Pūşan' (Vedic Mythology by Macdonnel,
p. 36.)] 44. Karamba (ya)-16 1 13, 39 19 6, 46 39'a multitude, a collection,
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