hua)='sown again' and has thus misunderstood "pratyu pta" - given by Dešināmamālā as the meaning of "veadia-". PSM. also records veadia- in the sense of khacita-, 'studded' and 'a jeweller'. Cf. veyadiya-- occurring in this very sense in PC. I, II, III, Bh. K. and veyadiyaoccurring in the very sense of 'a jeweller' in Vajjā. Cf. also vekatain the sense of 'a jeweller' in Yaśast. MW. records vekata-= 'a jeweller' as found in lexicons only. For the words jadita and jațita (which are Sanskratised forms) given by the gloss see Appendix. )
1256, Veyāriya- 14 10 8, 98 7 4 'deceived', 'cheated,' 'lured'.
[=vañcita-(g1.); the relevant passage at 98 7 4 is - "tuhu veyariu sottiyasatthe"- 'you have been deceived by the Brahmapical doctrines'. Cf. veäria-- pratārita, 'cheated, deceived' (D. 7 95). Cf. PSM. Nvear(D)='to deceive' quoting in support GS; cf. veyāria- occurring in this
sense in PC. I, II, PV. (14 46) and Bh. (6 7 2). 1257. Vecchilla- 25 5 9 (v.1. vicchilla-) 'a kind of yellow flower, yellow
amaranth'. (=korantaka-(gl.). The relevant passage is - "vecchilla-kusuma-samavannaena - having (yellow) colour like the Koranțaka (=yellow amar.
anth) flower'. PSM, does not note it.] 1258. Vellahala- 3111, 3 3 1, 69 15 8, 73 27 5, 99 5 17 'tender', delicate'.
[=komala-(gl.); D. 7 96 and Tr. 21 30, 9 note vellahala- in the sense of komala-, 'delicate' and vilasi- 'sportive'. The word vellahala- occurs twice in NC. Though the editor has rendered it with "komala-, vilasin vā", the meaning komala-, 'delicate' fits the context well. Similarly in KC. also vellahala- is used in the sense of komala-; cf. vellahala-occurring in the above sense in PC. I, PC, III, Bh., Vajjā.
(96) & CMC.] 1259. Velli- 15 4 12 'a row' 'a line',
[=āval?-(gl.); the relevant passage is - "vellihi valiyāi " - arranged in lines'. PSM. does not note velli in this sense. ]
1260. Vehaviya- 88 22 8 (v.1. vehaviya-), 91 20 6; Vehāvia- 18 22, 28 33 3.
30 12 10, 84 17 1, 89 17 6 'deceived', 'sneaked', 'cheated'. (=vancita-(gl.); cf. vehau-- vañc-, 'sneak' (H. 4 93; Tr. 3 1 47); cf. vehavia- occurring at NC. 2 1 10 in this very sense; here in NC. the gloss equates vehavia- with vilakşıkyta-, but vañcita- also suits the context. See vihavia-1 Vehāvia— 37 7 12, 70 12 6 'grown fond of (because of easy success), taking something lightly (being habituated)',
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