786. A-chitta- (p.p.) 60 2 3 'untouched'.
[=asprsta- (gl.). a-+chitta-. See chiv-. )
Acchod -- 'to remove forcibly,' 'to tear asunder,' 'to tear away violently,' 'to dash to the ground', or 'knock against the ground'; acchodai (pres. 3. 2.) 50 5 11, 60 11 3, 78 16 12; acchodivi (a bs.) 90 4 13; acchodil y)a- (p.p.) 7 5 8, 7 10 11, 12 15 6, 65 19 4, 79 11 7, 85 22 7 (v.1, acchoddiya-), 93 11 10 (v.l atthodia-).
[=troţayati (gl. at 60 11 3), asphalita- (gl. at 85 22 7); the commentator has loosely rendered acchodiya- at 65 19 4 as mocita- and at 7 10 11 as kavalita ; cf. Vacchod- occurring in this very sense in PC.I and PC.III, acchodiya, occurs in JC. at 2 7 4 and 3 10 8 and is rendered by the editor with as photita-; but here also the above meaning suits the context. Tagare corrects acchodia- with akşodita-. }
The word acchedio at 93 11 10 is a misprint for acchodio. (See Add. enda et Corrigenda in NP. Volume III).
At 65 19 4 the commentator has loosely rendered acchodiya- (as noted above). The meaning "removed forcibly, torn asunder' would suit the context. Similarly, at 7 10 11 the gloss loosely equates acchodiyawith kavalita. This sense finds no support from any source. Until we find some other clear passage we need not attribute this sense to acchodiya-, We can rather interpret the expression - "khayakale acchodiya" as 'dashed against the ground by khayakala'.
PSM. quotes accodiya- from Gātbāsaptaśati, 160 and interprets it as akrsta-, that is, 'pulled'. Really speaking here too, the sense is 'rem oved forcibly' or 'torn asunder'. PSM. also equates Nacchod - in the sense of 'to knock on the ground violently, dash to the ground' and quotes from Surasundaricariu. The relevant expression is - "acchodemi silae”- 'I shall dash (bim) on the rock'.
788. Amcoli- 65 15 6 (v.1. accoli-) 'a lap'.
[=utsarga- (gl.); the relevant passage is - "vaisāriya ascolihi"- 'he made (her) sit on the lap'. PSM. does not record amcoli- or accoli ; cf. uccoli- in the same sense occurring in PC.I. The relevant passages of PC. are as follows:
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