597. Bhūricamda- 44 5 3, 46 i 12 'gold'.
=suvarna- (gl.); the relevant passages are - 1) bhūricardu ņivadiu āyasahu” (44 5 3)- 'gold dropped from the sky'; 2) "ta bhūricardamau camdauru candamuhina tam viraiyau" (46 1 12) - 'Candrapura was constructed by Candramukhi with gold'. Compare PSM. camda-= 'gold'. bhūri='gold'; cf. MW. bhūri(L)= 'gold' and candra-= 'shining (as gold)'.]
598. Mayagala- 5 14 12, 9 29 11, 12 14 3, 12 15 8, 14 4 4, 16 5 11, 28
32 5, 29 8 1, 32 23 11, 34 10 12, 39 3 2, 39 11 7, 41 4 15, 47 2 3, 51 3 1, 52 21 12, 54 4 2, 57 17 12, 57 21 7, 59 19 2, 68 6 10, 77 5 2, 78 4 11, 78 13 5, 78 16 13, 83 9 8, 83 11 5, 84 10 4, 86 311, 92 4 1, 93 14 8, 94 4 13, 95 2 3 'an elephant'.
[Compare mayagala-= hastī, 'an elephant' (D. 6 125, Pāi. 9). cf, mayagala- occurring in this sense in NC., KC., PC.II and madakala
in Tri.I. cf. Old G. mega!= 'elephant'. cf.MW.madakala(L)= ‘elephant.] 599. Rasoi- 85 14 6, 91 21 11 'victuals'.
[Compare rasoi- occurring in this very sense in JC. at 2 23 11; cf. Hi., G. rasoi= 'victuals'. Connected with Sk. *rasavali; cf. MW.
rasavatī= 'a meal' (Hemacandra's Parisistaparvan). ] 600. Vamdāraya- 3 3 4, 41 I 2, 48 4 12, 54 6 14 'a god, a deity'.
=deva- (g.1.); cf, PSM. vandāraya-- deva-; connected with Sk. vặndā. raka-; cf.MW. vịndāraya- and vsndāraka(L)= 'a god, deity'.]
601. Varaitta- 4 14 12, 51 17 8,52 22 7, 60 14 5, 69 5 13, 69 19 13, 69
22 4, 79 6 11, 83 8 16, 87 10 9, 89 10 3, 89 12 15, 90 4 11 'bridegroom, suitor, husband'. [=vara-, bhartā-(gl.). cf. varaitta-= abhinava-vara-, 'bridegroom' (D. 7 44); cf, varaitta- occurring in this very sense in JC. (2 9 14), NC. PC.I, PCII,Bh, ; connected with Sk. varayil:-. cf. MW. varayitri (L)=
'a suitor, lover, husband'.J 602. Visakka- 88 = 1 (v.l. pisakka-) 'an arrow'.
[=bāņa- (gl.); the relevant passage is - "dhanuguna-mukka-visakkasaru" - 'one who had emitted a roar along with the discharge of arrow from the bow-string'. visakka- here occurs as the latter member of the compound; hence its form, instead of the usual form pisakkaPk. pisakka- appearing as the latter member of the compound is changed according to rules to visakka-. In other words, pa- of pisakkahas received non-final treatment. Compare Sk. prşatka- and Pk. pisakka-, 'an arrow'. See pisakka- and pisakkāsana-]
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