sense in PC. II. The word is a good tadbhava going back to Sk. pri
yamadhavika. See piyamāhavi.. ) 396, Piyamāhavi- 41 2 9, 51 9 5 'the female cuckoo'.
[=kokila- (gl.). See piyamāhaviya.. ] 397. Pimchanihi- 69 26 7 'a peacock'.
[=picchanidhi(?) (gl.); the relevant passage is - "sihiniu satta iha ekku sihi, osariu sarahu jo pichanihi" - "There are seven peahens and there is one peacock; that one is peacock which moved away from the lake'. PSM. does not note it; pimchuņihi- is connected with Sk. picchanidhi - which means 'a treasure house of feathers'. It might have developed this sense as an epithet of peacock which is notoriously full of feathers. ]
398. Pimdi-khamda- 16 8 3 'a sesamum cake used as fodder for cattle,
oil cake or the caky sediment of sesamum after the oil is pressed out [=khala-khanda-(gl.); the relevant passage is "pimdikhamdu mahikhamdu maheppinu”-'having desired the portion of earth of the value of an oil. cake'; PSM. does not note it. cf. M. pend-, Kon. pēņdi-= 'a sesamum cake used as fodder for cattle, the refuse or nuts from which the oil has been expressed'. Connected with Sk, pinda-+khanda-. ]
399. Pisun- 'to tell, to lay down':
pisuņia-(p.p.) 29 18 12, 102 12 13. [=pratipaditam (gl.); cf. N pisun--kath-, 'to tell' (H. 4 2; Pāi. 145; Tr. 3 1 69); cf. PSM. pisuņia-=sūcita-, 'suggested'; cf.n pisun- occurring in this sense in JC., NC., KC., PC. I, Sam. K.; pisuņia-, Sk. pišunitainitially means sūcitam, 'suggested or conveyed slyly' and hence 'laid
down'. It is derived from pišuna- 'slanderer, back-biter'.] 400. Pundariya- 25 6 7, 39 1 7, 47 11 11 ‘an umbrella, a parasol'.
[=chatram(gl.): PSM. does not record it in this sense; cf. pumdariyaoccurring in this sense in NC. and KC.; cf. MW. pundarika- (L)= 'a white umbrella'. In Sk. pundarika is used in the sense of a white
lotus'. 1 401. Phulla- . 3 14 10, 7 22 5,8 2 6, 8 128, 928 7, 14 3 13, 1545, 15 22 9,
17 12 11, 22 9 9, 30 6 6, 30 12 6; 46 13 9, 47 7 2, 48 16 2, 54 18 6, 58 23 10, 60 29 1, 64 11 4, 65 24 9, 68 4 3, 72 1 17, 73 2 11, 84 1 4, 85 3 6, 94 9. 8, 96 7 9, 97 1 8, 100 9 12, a flower'. f=bus pa-(gl.): cf. PSM. phulla-= 'a flower'; cf. phulla- occurring in this very sense in JC. (3 21 13), PC.I, PC. III. cf. Mw. phulla-= 'a full.
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