Sūtrakrtāńga II is proved to be a relatively late text on the basis of the following three criteria :
(i) Its being overwhelmingly a prose composition, (ii) Its touching upon the problem of a pious householder's duties. (iii) Its frequent employment of technical concepts. Let these be considered one by one.
In the history of Jaina canon the earliest age - the age of Acārānga I, Sūtrakytānga I, Uttarādhyayana, Daśavaiālika - can perhaps be called an age of poetic composition, the subsequent age, an age of prose-composition. True, in Ācārānga I there occurs a good amount of prose-composition but it is mostly of the form of commendation on verse-passages (while the remaining three texts of the age contain no prose-part worth the name); on the contrary, in the texts written in the age of prose-composition versepassages occur extremely seldom and in most cases these passages are composed in Arya --which again is an indication of their relatively late character). However, the mere fact that a canonical text is written in prose would not enable one to make out as to how late it actually is, for the 'age of prose-composition' covers a pretty long period. For example, Sūtrakrtānga II is overwhelmingly a prose-composition, only two of its chapters being in verse (chapter V in Anuşçubh, chapter VI in Tristubh): but this only means that it does not belong to the earlier age witnessed by Jaina canon.
The canonical texts belonging to the earliest age exhibit no acquaintance with the problem of a pious householder's duties, their chief preoccupation being what a monk has or has not to do. Even Sūtrakrtānga II contains no systematic exposition of a pious householder's duties, but in two conte. xts it comes out with assertions which definitely prove that by the time of its composition the concept of a pious householder has emerged on the thought-horizon of the Jaina theoreticians. Thus the chief subject-matter of chapter VII is an opponent taking exception to the standard formulation of a particular vow taken by a pious householder -viz, the vow to desist from causing injury to the mobile type of living beings, It being impossible
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