ŚAMAŇ विकल्पविषयोत्तीर्णः स्वभावालम्बनः सदा । ज्ञानस्य परिपाको यः स शमः परिकीर्तितः ॥१॥ ॥४१॥
svabhāvālambanah sadā | jñānasya paripāko yah
sa samah parikīrtitah ||1|| 114111 Meaning : That is described as Tranquility which arises on withdrawal from the varying thoughts of the mind, which springs from the self if and when it is resorted to, and which is the result of mature knowledge. (1) [41]
Notes : Fraga means reverting to one's own nature which is pure and blissful. (1) (41]
अनिच्छन् कर्मवैषम्यं ब्रह्मांशेन समं जगत् । आत्माभेदेन यः पश्येदसौ मोक्षंगमी शमी ॥२॥ ॥४२॥
anicchan karmavaisamyam
brahmāmśena samam jagat 1 ātmābhedena yah paśyed
asau moksamgamī šamī 11211 114211 Meaning : He, who does not recognize disparity generated from a variety of acts and activities and who sees the whole world as his own self taking it to be a particle of Brahma, has, acquired Tranquility and he will attain emancipation. (2) [42]
Notes : not means one who goes. He, who thinks that everyone is his own self, works out his own emancipation. Compare with this the following stanza of the Gītā :
“विद्याविवेकसंपन्ने, ब्राह्मणे गवि हस्तिनि । grada saya a, qfosar: Hafra: 11" 34.“, t. RC (2) [42]
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