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## Translation:
The four *guna-sthana*-dwelling hell-beings constitute an infinitesimal part of the *sparmana* realm. The second earth is situated below the *madhyaloka* at the extent of one *raju*. Similarly, the third and subsequent earths are situated at an interval of one *raju* each. Therefore, the hell-beings with *mithyadrishti* and *sasadan samyagdristi* on these earths have touched at least one, two, three, four, and five *rajus*. The *samyaramadyadrishti* hell-beings, at the time of *maranantik* (death), *utpad* (birth), and *ayubandha* (life-span), regularly leave the third *guna-sthana* because these three actions do not occur in the third *guna-sthana*. Therefore, their touch, compared to their dwelling place, is an infinitesimal part of the *sparmana* realm. The touch of the restrained *samyagdristi* hell-beings is also an infinitesimal part of the realm compared to their *maranantik*, because they are regularly born as humans, and the human realm is small.
In the seventh earth, the hell-beings with *mithyadrishti* have touched six *rajus* compared to their *maranantik* and *utpad*. The touch of the remaining three *guna-sthana*-dwelling hell-beings is an infinitesimal part of the realm.
**Doubt:** Why is the touch of these three *guna-sthana*-dwelling hell-beings not mentioned compared to their dwelling place and *maranantik*?
**Answer:** The hell-beings of the seventh earth regularly leave those *guna-sthana* before their *maranantik* and *utpad*.
It is a rule that *sasadan samyagdristi* does not go to hell. Therefore, the touch of *sasadan samyagdristi* in the *tiryach* realm, in the *badar prithvi* and other realms, is seven *rajus* compared to their *maranantik*. The touch of humans with *mithyadrishti* is the entire realm compared to their *maranantik*. Or, it is the entire realm compared to being born as *prithvikayik* etc. humans; because the being who dies and is born somewhere is called that in the *utpad* state. For example, a being who dies as a *prithvikayik* and is born as a human is called a human in the *utpad* state. The touch of the entire realm is like this everywhere.
**1. Go. Jo. Na. | Mulachar Ga. 1134**
One should know that the hell-beings with *mithyadrishti* and *sasadan samyagdristi* who go to the third hell have a touch of nine *rajus* compared to their *maranantik* in the *badar prithvi* and other realms in the front part of the realm. One should know that the touch of nine *rajus* is like this further. And the *samyagmithyadrishti* and unrestrained *samyagdristi* are not born as *ekendriya* beings. Their touch, compared to their dwelling place, is eight *rajus*.
**§. 77**
**35.4. Panchendriyamipāvṛṣṭibhiḥ aṣṭau devān prati sarvaloko manuṣyān prati sayogakevalināṁ daṇḍādyavasthāyāṁ vāṅmanasavargaṇām avalambhyātmatra deśaparispandhābhāvātlokasya asankhyeyabhāgaḥ.**
[One should know that the touch of the five-sense *mithyadrishti* is eight *rajus* compared to the gods. That is, the five-sense *mithyadrishti* gods dwell up to the third hell. Therefore, they are found everywhere within the eight *raju* area, six *rajus* above the base of *meru* and two *rajus* below. The touch of the entire realm is compared to humans. In the state of punishment etc. of the *sayogakevali*, there is no expansion of the self in the realms due to the dependence on the categories of speech and mind. Therefore, the touch is an infinitesimal part of the realm.]
**37.9 Saptanarekeṣu nārakā yathāsaṅkhyametalleśyā bhavanti. Uktam ca**
"Kāla kāla tah kāuṇīlā gīlā va jīlkiṇhāe. Kiṁvā ya paramkiṇhā leśśā rayanāvipuḍavīsu ॥" (Mulachar 1134) Tatra ṣaṣṭhaprithivyāṁ kṛṣṇaleśyaiḥ sāsadanasamyagdṛṣṭibhi maraṇāntikādyapekshayā pañca pañcamaprithivyāṁ kṛṣṇaleśyāऽvivakshayā nīlaleśyaiścatasro rajjuvaḥ spṛṣṭāḥ. Tṛtīyapṛthivyāṁ nīlaleśyāvivakshayā kāpotottale rajju spṛṣṭe. Saptamaprithivyāṁ yadyapi kṛṣṇaleśyāsti tathapi maraṇāntikādyavasthāyāṁ sāsadanasya tatra na sā sambhavati tadā niyamenā mithyātvagrahaṇādīti nodāhr̥tā. Tejo leśyaiḥ saṁyatāsaṁyataḥ prathama svarge
[The hell-beings in the seven hells are of different shades as mentioned. It is said:
"Time after time, they are like a drop of water in the ocean, or like a speck of dust in the vast expanse of the sky." (Mulachar 1134)
In the sixth earth, the hell-beings with *sasadan samyagdristi* of the black shade have touched five *rajus* compared to their *maranantik* etc. In the fifth earth, the hell-beings of the blue shade, excluding the black shade, have touched four *rajus*. In the third earth, the hell-beings of the blue shade, excluding the black shade, have touched one *raju* in the *kapotottala*. In the seventh earth, although there are hell-beings of the black shade, *sasadan* is not possible there in the state of *maranantik* etc. Therefore, they are not mentioned because of the regular acceptance of *mithyatva*. The hell-beings of the luminous shade,