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## Satyārthasiddhi 288:
**Verse 35:**
* **Saccittaāhāra, Sambandhaāhāra, Sammiśrāhāra, Abhishavāhāra, and Duṣpakvāhāra** are the five transgressions of the vow of *bhoga-upabhoga-parisankhyāna*.
**Verse 36:**
* **Saccittanikṣepa, Saccittāpidhāna, Paravyapadesha, Matsarya, and Kālatīkrama** are the five transgressions of the vow of *atithi-sanvibhāga-śīla*.
**Verse 37:**
* **Jīvitāśaṁsā, Maraṇāśaṁsā, Mitrānurāga, Sukhānubandha, and Nidāna** are the five transgressions of *sallekhanā*.