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[713 § 672
Sambadhyate. Veshato viratiranuvratam sarvato virati mahavrata iti dvidha bhiddyate pratyekam vratam. Etani mani bhavitani varoushadhavadyatnavate' duhkhanivrttinimittani bhavanti.
8667. Kimartham katham va bhavanam teshamityatrauchyate
Tat sthairyartham bhavanaha pancha pancha ||3||
8 668. Tesham vratanam sthirikaranaayakayakasya vratasya pancha pancha bhavana vedaityavyah. "Yevam adyasyahinssavrtasya bhavanaha ka ityatrauchyate
Vangmanoguptir yaadananikshepanasamitityalokitapanabhojanani pancha ||4||
$ 669. Vagguptih manoguptih iryasamitih adananiksepanasamitih alokitapanabhojan1. ratyetah panchahinssavrtasya bhavanaha.
8 670. Ath dvitiyasya vratasya ka ityatrauchyate-
Krodha lobha bhirutva hasyapratyakhyananyanuvichibhashanam cha pancha ||5||
§ 671. Krodhapratyakhyanam lobhapratyakhyanam bhirutvapratyakhyanam hasyapratyakhyanam anuvichibhashanam chetyetah pancha bhavanaha satyavratasya jneyah. Anuvichi bhashanam niravadyanubhashanmityartha. 8672. Idanim tritiyasya vratasya ka bhavana ityatraha shunyagaravimochitavasa paroparodhakarana bhaiksshuddhisadharmavisamvadaha pancha ||16||
To be completely free from all restrictions is the Mahavrata. In this way, each of the vows, beginning with ahimsa, are of two types. Those who are diligent and who practice these vows, which are like the best of medicines, will be free from suffering. 8667. For what purpose and how should one contemplate these vows? The next sutra answers this question:
There are five contemplations for each vow, to make them firm. ||3||
8 668. To make these vows firm, one should know five contemplations for each vow. If this is so, what are the contemplations for the first vow of ahimsa? The next sutra answers this question:
There are five contemplations for ahimsa: control of speech, control of mind, control of movement, control of taking and giving, and control of what is seen, drunk, and eaten. ||4||
8 669. Control of speech, control of mind, control of movement, control of taking and giving, and control of what is seen, drunk, and eaten: these are the five contemplations for ahimsa.
8 670. Now, what are the contemplations for the second vow? The next sutra answers this question:
There are five contemplations for satya: renunciation of anger, renunciation of greed, renunciation of fear, renunciation of laughter, and speaking truthfully. ||5||
8 671. Renunciation of anger, renunciation of greed, renunciation of fear, renunciation of laughter, and speaking truthfully: these are the five contemplations for satya. Anuvichibhashanam means speaking without fault. § 672. Now, what are the contemplations for the third vow? The next sutra answers this question:
There are five contemplations for asteya: living in a deserted house, living in a liberated house, helping others, purity of begging, and agreement with those of the same dharma. ||6||
1. Varoushadhavat duhkha