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[214] Sarvarthasiddhi
[5117 $ 558] Due to the influence of karma, the body resides in the gross and subtle forms. Due to the influence of karma, the nature of contraction and expansion of space is present. Therefore, it is reasonable that the soul resides in countless parts of the universe, like a lamp. Just as a lamp, even though its light is not limited by space, is limited by a cover, a shell, or other coverings, so too, the soul is limited by karma.
**Question:** Since dharma and other substances interpenetrate each other, wouldn't they become one?
**Answer:** No, even though they are in close contact with each other, they do not lose their individual nature. As it is said:
"All substances interpenetrate each other, giving space to each other, and always remaining together, yet they do not abandon their own nature." 8558
**Since it is said that dharma and other substances have different natures, the next sutra states:**
"Motion and rest are the functions of dharma and adharma respectively." 17. 8559
**Explanation:** Motion is the cause of reaching another place. Rest is the opposite of motion. "Upgraha" means "function" and is derived from the root "upgrihyate." "Gati-sthiti" is a compound word meaning "motion and rest." Motion and rest are the functions, hence the sutra states "Gati-sthiti-upgraha." "Dharma-adharmayo" is in the sixth case, indicating the agent. "Upkara" means "function" and is derived from the root "upkriyate."
**Question:** What is this function?
**Answer:** The function of motion and the function of rest are the functions.
**Question:** If this is the case, then the dual number is implied.
**Answer:** This is not a fault, because a word that is used in a general sense, even though it is connected to another word, does not lose its original number. For example, "Saadhoh karyaam tapahshruthe."
**Therefore, it is said that:**
The dharma-kaya is the common support for the souls and pudgalas that are undergoing the results of motion, like fish in water. Similarly, the dharma-kaya is the common support for the souls and pudgalas that are undergoing the results of rest.