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Chapter Two $ 297. To explain the meaning of the senses mentioned above, the following sutra is stated:
Sparśana, rasana, ghraṇa, cakṣu, and śrotra are the five senses. ||19|| 8298. In the world, the senses are seen to be dependent. For example, "I see well with this eye," "I hear well with this ear." Therefore, due to their dependence, sparśana etc. become instruments. Due to the destruction of the obstacles of effort, knowledge, and the covering of the mind, and due to the cessation of the actions of the limbs, the soul touches through this, therefore it is sparśana. It tastes through this, therefore it is rasana. It smells through this, therefore it is ghraṇa. Since the word cakṣu has many meanings, here the meaning of seeing is taken, therefore it is cakṣu, through which one sees objects. And it is śrotra, through which one hears. Similarly, the independence of these senses is also seen. For example, "This eye of mine sees well," "This ear of mine hears well." Therefore, sparśana etc. are established as agents. That which touches is sparśana. That which tastes is rasana. That which smells is ghraṇa. That which sees is cakṣu. That which hears is śrotra. The order in which these are mentioned is to show that each one increases in this order.
8 299. To show the objects of these senses, the following sutra is stated:
Sparśa, rasa, gandha, varṇa, and śabda are the objects of those senses respectively. ||20|| 6 300. In the context of the predominance of substance and its modification, the words sparśa etc. should be understood as instruments of action and instruments of feeling. When the substance is predominant, then the action is indicated. For example, that which is touched is sparśa, that which is tasted is rasa, that which is smelled is gandha, that which is seen is varṇa, and that which is in the form of sound is śabda. This 1. Jighratyanena ghraṇam gandham gṛhṇātīti. Rasayatyaneṇeniti rasanaṁ rasaṁ gṛhṇātīti. Caṣṭe'neneniti cakṣu rūpaṁ paśyatītixxśṛṇotyaneniti śrotra śabdaṁ gṛhṇātīti. -vā. mā. 1,..12. 2. Imānīndriyāṇi kadācittsvātantyena vivakṣitāni bhavanti. Tadyathā-idaṁ me akṣi suṣṭha paśyati, ayaṁ me karṇaḥ suṣṭha śṛṇotīti. Kadācitpāratavyena vivakṣitāni bhavanti-anenāṇā suṣṭha paśyāmi. Anena karṇena suṣṭha śṛṇomi iti. -pā. m. mā. ||2||2||59. 3. Gandharasarūpasparśaśabdaḥ pṛthivyādigunās tadarthaḥ. -vā. mā.