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-1120 $ 206] Chapter One
[85 $ 205. It is said that the characteristics and distinctions of *mati-jñāna* have been explained. Now, the characteristics and distinctions of *śruta-jñāna*, which is the object of this discussion, should be explained. Therefore, it is said:
*Śruta-jñāna* is preceded by *mati-jñāna*, and it is of two, many, and twelve kinds. ||20||
8 206. The word "śruta" is primarily derived from the meaning of "hearing," but due to convention, it also refers to a particular kind of knowledge. Just as the word "kuśala" is derived from the meaning of "piercing with a kuśa," but due to convention, it refers to "paryavādāt" (i.e., pure or pleasing). What is this particular kind of knowledge? Therefore, it is said, "Śrutaṃ mati-pūrvam." That which fulfills the proof of *śruta*. According to this derivation, "pūrvam," "nimitta," and "kāraṇa" are synonymous. The explanation of *mati* has already been given. *Mati* which is the "pūrvam" (i.e., the cause) of this is called *mati-pūrvam*, which means "caused by *mati*." The implication is that *śruta-jñāna* is that which arises from *mati-jñāna*.
Doubt: If *śruta-jñāna* is preceded by *mati-jñāna*, then *śruta-jñāna* also becomes *mati-ātmaka* (i.e., of the nature of *mati*), because in the world, the effect is seen to be similar to the cause.
Resolution: This is not an absolute rule that the effect is similar to the cause. Although a pot is produced from a stick, etc., it is not *daṇḍādya-ātmaka* (i.e., of the nature of a stick, etc.). Secondly, even in the presence of *mati-jñāna*, *śruta-jñāna* does not occur. Although *mati-jñāna* is present and the external cause of *śruta-jñāna* is also present, *śruta-jñāna* does not occur in one who has a strong *śruta-jñāna-āvaraṇa* (i.e., obscuration of *śruta-jñāna*). But when the *śruta-jñāna-āvaraṇa* karma is significantly reduced or eliminated, then *śruta-jñāna* arises. Therefore, *mati-jñāna* should be understood as merely the cause of the origin of *śruta-jñāna*. 1. *Pratītyā vyu-mu.* 2. "Avadātaṃ tu vimale manojñā" - A. Na. 4, 96. 3. "Puvvaṃ pūraṇa-gālaṇa-bhāva-o jaṃ mai." - Vi. Bhā. Gā. 1051