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## Chapter 1
**For the Mithyadrishti (false-sighted) in the state of Tiryanch (animal), the time is all time in relation to many beings. In relation to one being, the least time is an Antarmuhurta (a very short time), and the greatest time is infinite time, which is equal to countless Pudgala (matter) transformations. For the Sasadan Samyagdristi (right-sighted with the right faith), Samyagmithyadristi (right-false-sighted), and the restrained and unrestrained Tiryanch, the time is the same. For the unrestrained Samyagdristi, the time is all time in relation to many beings. In relation to one being, the least time is an Antarmuhurta, and the greatest time is slightly less than the greatest time mentioned above.**
**For the Mithyadrishti in the state of Manushya (human), the time is all time in relation to many beings. In relation to one being, the least time is an Antarmuhurta, and the greatest time is three Palya (a measure of time) greater than the previous Koti (a measure of time). For the Sasadan Samyagdristi, the least time in relation to many beings is one Samaya (a measure of time), and the greatest time is an Antarmuhurta. In relation to one being, the least time is one Samaya, and the greatest time is six Avalika (a measure of time). For the Samyagmithyadristi, the time is neither less nor greater than the Antarmuhurta in relation to both one being and many beings.**
**For the unrestrained Samyagdristi, the time is all time in relation to many beings. In relation to one being, the least time is an Antarmuhurta, and the greatest time is three Palya, slightly greater than the previous Koti.**
**There are some special features:**
1. **In the first six Narakas (hells), the Mithyadrishti is born with Mithyatva (false-sight), and then after an Antarmuhurta, they are born with Samyaktva (right-sight) and remain with Samyaktva for the rest of their life, achieving the greatest time. However, in the seventh Naraka, both entry and exit are with Mithyatva.**
2. **Here, an uncountable number of Avalika is taken as an uncountable part.**
3. **Here, forty-seven previous Koti are taken from the previous Koti.** Although the word "Prithaktva" indicates a number greater than three and less than nine, here, forty-seven is taken from the word "Prithaktva" due to the abundance.
4. **Here, a slightly less than three-part of the previous Koti is taken from the word "Sadhik".** For example, a human with a lifespan of one Koti who has bound his lifespan in the three parts, then attains the Kshayik Samyagdarshan (right-sight) with Samyaktva in the Antarmuhurta and dies at the end of his lifespan and is born in the best Bhogbhumi (land of enjoyment) with a lifespan of three Palya, he achieves the greatest time of the uninterrupted Samyagdristi.