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–118 § 71]
Chapter 1
867. The common field of the ignorant and the learned, who have false vision and the vision of the path of liberation, is described in the context of knowledge. The field of those who have the knowledge of differentiation, who have false vision and the vision of the path of liberation, is an innumerable part of the world. The common field of those who have the knowledge of the subtle, who have the knowledge of destruction, who have the vision of the path of liberation, who are unrestrained, who have exhausted their passions, who have the knowledge of mental perception, who are heedless, who have exhausted their passions, and who have the knowledge of the absolute, who have the knowledge of the combined and the uncombined, is described.
868. The common field of those who are restrained, who are unrestrained, and who are in the four stages of restraint, is described in the context of restraint. The four stages of restraint are: those who practice the vow of non-violence, those who practice the vow of truthfulness, those who practice the vow of non-stealing, and those who practice the vow of non-attachment. The four stages of unrestraint are: those who are heedless, those who are heedless and restrained, those who are restrained and unrestrained, and those who are unrestrained.
869. The common field of those who have the vision of the eye, who have false vision, and who have exhausted their passions, is an innumerable part of the world, as described in the context of vision. The common field of those who do not have the vision of the eye, who have false vision, and who have exhausted their passions, is described. The field of those who have the vision of the subtle is like that of those who have the knowledge of the subtle. The field of those who have the absolute vision is like that of those who have the absolute knowledge.
870. The common field of those who have the black, blue, and dove-colored hues, who have false vision, and who are unrestrained, is described in the context of hues. The field of those who have the yellow and lotus-colored hues, who have false vision, and who are heedless, is an innumerable part of the world. The field of those who have the white hue, who have false vision, and who have exhausted their passions, is an innumerable part of the world. The common field of those who have the white hue, who are absolute knowers, and who are without hues, is described.
871. The common field of the fourteen stages of the blessed is described in the context of the blessed. The field of the unblessed is the entire world.
867. The common field of the ignorant and the learned, who have false vision and the vision of the path of liberation, is described in the context of knowledge. The field of those who have the knowledge of differentiation, who have false vision and the vision of the path of liberation, is an innumerable part of the world. The common field of those who have the knowledge of the subtle, who have the knowledge of destruction, who have the vision of the path of liberation, who are unrestrained, who have exhausted their passions, who have the knowledge of mental perception, who are heedless, who have exhausted their passions, and who have the knowledge of the absolute, who have the knowledge of the combined and the uncombined, is described.
868. The common field of those who are restrained, who are unrestrained, and who are in the four stages of restraint, is described in the context of restraint. The four stages of restraint are: those who practice the vow of non-violence, those who practice the vow of truthfulness, those who practice the vow of non-stealing, and those who practice the vow of non-attachment. The four stages of unrestraint are: those who are heedless, those who are heedless and restrained, those who are restrained and unrestrained, and those who are unrestrained.
869. The common field of those who have the vision of the eye, who have false vision, and who have exhausted their passions, is an innumerable part of the world, as described in the context of vision. The common field of those who do not have the vision of the eye, who have false vision, and who have exhausted their passions, is described. The field of those who have the vision of the subtle is like that of those who have the knowledge of the subtle. The field of those who have the absolute vision is like that of those who have the absolute knowledge.
870. The common field of those who have the black, blue, and dove-colored hues, who have false vision, and who are unrestrained, is described in the context of hues. The field of those who have the yellow and lotus-colored hues, who have false vision, and who are heedless, is an innumerable part of the world. The field of those who have the white hue, who have false vision, and who have exhausted their passions, is an innumerable part of the world. The common field of those who have the white hue, who are absolute knowers, and who are without hues, is described.
871. The common field of the fourteen stages of the blessed is described in the context of the blessed. The field of the unblessed is the entire world.