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## Sarvarthasiddhi
[1118484. What then? It is said that these three are combined:
Right faith, right knowledge, and right conduct are the path to liberation. ||1|| $5. The word "samyak" is either un-derived or derived. From the root "añc" with the suffix "kvip" and the prefix "sam", the word "samyak" is formed. Its meaning is praise. It should be combined with each of the words: faith, knowledge, and conduct. Thus, we have right faith, right knowledge, and right conduct. We will explain their nature in detail later on, in terms of their characteristics and distinctions. Here, we are only mentioning the purpose: the word "samyak" is used as a qualifier for faith, for the purpose of collecting faith based on the true knowledge of the objects. To know the objects in the same way as they exist, including the soul, is right knowledge. The word "samyak" is used as a qualifier for knowledge, for the purpose of removing delusion, doubt, and wrong knowledge. Right conduct is the cessation of actions that are the cause of the acquisition of karma, for the person who is striving to remove the causes of the cycle of birth and death. The word "samyak" is used as a qualifier for conduct, for the purpose of removing conduct based on ignorance.
6. Seeing or just the act of seeing is faith. Knowing or just the act of knowing is knowledge.
In this way, after examining the principles of liberation in brief, the Acharya has examined the principles of its cause. In this context, it is only necessary to write that most people of different views believe that liberation is achieved through one or the other of faith, knowledge, and conduct. Whether it is the Samkhya, the Buddhists, or the Vaisheshikas, all of them have considered true knowledge or wisdom as the main means of liberation. The path of devotion or chanting of the name is another form of faith. There is also a strong group that considers chanting of the name as the main means of liberation from the cycle of birth and death. This group is becoming increasingly powerful. To chant the name of one's chosen deity is another form of it. But just as the cure of a disease cannot be achieved by just one cause, such as seeing the medicine, similarly, liberation cannot be achieved by just one of these. Then what is the means of achieving liberation? This question remains. To answer this question, the Acharya has composed the first sutra. He says:
Right faith, right knowledge, and right conduct, these three together are the path to liberation. ||1||
85. The word "samyak" is un-derived, i.e., a root word, and derived, i.e., grammatically formed. When it is derived grammatically, it is formed by adding the suffix "kvip" to the root "añc" with the prefix "sam". In Sanskrit, its derivation is "sam añcati iti samyak". In Prakrit, its meaning is praise. It should be combined with each of the words: faith, knowledge, and conduct. Thus, we have right faith, right knowledge, and right conduct. We will explain their nature in detail later on, in terms of their characteristics and distinctions. Here, we are only mentioning the name: the word "samyak" is used as a qualifier for faith, for the purpose of collecting faith based on the true knowledge of the objects. To know the objects in the same way as they exist, including the soul, is right knowledge. The word "samyak" is used as a qualifier for knowledge, for the purpose of removing delusion (lack of conviction), doubt, and wrong knowledge. Right conduct is the cessation of actions that are the cause of the acquisition of karma, for the person who is striving to remove the causes of the cycle of birth and death. The word "samyak" is used as a qualifier for conduct, for the purpose of removing conduct based on ignorance. 1. -gिति. कोऽस्या- दि. 1। 2. -च्यते । पदार्थानां याथा. मु. 3. ज्ञानम्। अनध्यवसाय सं.मु.। 4. -दानमिति तत्कियो- दि, 2। 5. -षणम् । स्वयं पश्य- मु.। -षणम् । यस्मादिति पश्यदि, 1. दि.2। 6. -श्यतेऽनेनेति दृष्टि- मु.। 7. ज्ञाप्तिमात्र मु.। ज्ञानमात्र दि. 21