framework of his methodology he chose to:
* List the variant forms in the published text and its MSS. * List the Sutra-numbers of each variant of a word.
List the frequency of each variant in MSS.
List the total number of each variant in all the MSS. * List the similar older forms from other older Ardhamāgadhi
Compile a comparative list for final analysis.
Using this model as a typical case-study, Dr. Chandra concludes that this type of analysis demonstrates that isolated archaic word-forms preserved in manuscripts are suggestive pointers that can give us a glimpse of the original language of the texts.
In conclusion, when one takes into account Dr. Banerjee's observations that inscriptional Prakrits and Pāli should not be the only primary external language-models, and keeps in mind that the develoment of Ardhamāgadhi sometimes shows a greater affinity with old Persian rather than classical Sanskrit, one can view the text as an integral first step in the linguistic re-editing of the oldest Ardhamāgadhi canonical texts.
Jinamanjari, April, 1996 Mississauga, Ontario
-Mikal Austin Radford
Dr. K.R. Chandra is a renowned scholar and a true researcher in the field of Texual Criticism of Prakrit language. I had the privilege of writing a review on his earlier book entitled ' uca व्याकरण की समीक्षा और अर्धमागधी' which has been published in last issue of Śramaņa.
Jain Education International
Dr. Chandra's erudition and critical insight make him a keen observer of the linguistic peculiarities of Jaina canons. His main effort in this book is to find out and ascertain the original form of the Ardhamăgadhi, the language of the sacred Jaina canons, as
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