खञ्जक section). By a statistical investigation of 100 पादs of the दुवईs occurring as the opening stanza in the Ap. epic, ALSDORF obtains (see Hp. p. 195) the following results: Trochaic rhythm is forbidden in the 1. 79, whose most frequent form is ----. The 2. and the 6. To have the form --, less frequently ,uvu. These forms are forbidden for the other 4-moraic futs. There is a caesura after the 16. mora; in a few cases, however, it is lacking. The caesura is preceded, almost as a rule by two shorts and is followed by a long in majority of the cases.
Our gas stanza differs from this description in certain details. The first TuT has the form wwwu- in a b c, wavin d. Only a and c have a caesura after the 16. mora. Similarly the gas given at GL. 81 is wanting twice in the caesura, that at Sc. VIII 37 and Ch. 32 a/15, once.
On the ground of the caesura after the 16. mora Alsdore recasts the above-given scheme for the gas thus :
6+ vuurt6/6+ wow
One serious objection can be advanced against this regroupoing of the morae. The principle behind the Tufreh is, as observed previously, this that the last mora of a preceding Tut cannot be fused together with the opening mora of the succeeding Ty to form a heavy syllable. Expressed differently, a heavy syllable cannot appear for the two contiguous morae belonging to two different गणs. So in a दुवई, according to the traditional definition, a heavy syllable cannot be substituted for the 14. and the 15. mora or for the 18. and the 19. mora taken together. This fact is indicated by the representation 6+ +4+4+4+, while in the form given by Alsdorf it is obscured, since 6 stands for all the ten forms (including wow) possible for the TOHET 7.
A few words on the name gas. Alsdorf finds it strange that in the face of the name gas (=f&tat), the Ch. (and now we can also add the Sc., the GL., the CK. and the KD.) defines it as a metre of
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