strophe made up of a The followed by a f-H167. But SR. 822, 83, 85 are not strophes. So they aught to have been called, not egRy, but chifauneut and accordingly instead of CK. 32, CK. 10 ought to have been quoted.
Against this it can be urged that though the constituted text of the CK. 32 cannot be made to support the view that calls SR. 82 a GR14, still the text of CK. 32 as quoted by the 2014 has a variant for the first पाद of the second line (अह तिणि रहियउ for अइकोमलु जण०) which obviously means that a golf4H167 with or without being headed by a Giet can be called R. However, this cannot be the original reading, as it is not attested in any of the three 'good; Mss. used by velankar for his edition of the CK. and besides, it strikes at the very root of the method of nomenclature in the CK., in accordance with which कामिनीमोहन is prefixed with दोहा or गाथा, the strophes so formed received the distinct names चंदायण and चंदायणि in turm and similarly the strophes दोहा+काव्य (CK. 31) and गाथा+काव्य (CK. 38) are named respectively as gi sir and gofalu. Thus it would seem that SR. 82 ought not to have been called EGRU.
This is quite reasonable. Yet there is also a definite point or to to show that at least in some quarters the name GRYT was in use instead of H167. For, in the later days of popular Apabhramśa poetry there appears to have developed a loose practice of applying the name that by rights belongs to the whole strophe, to some one of its parts also. Cf. 19 for some such instances. In the case of the
GRI strophe also the same seems to have happened, since GL. 78 (probably an interpolation according to Velankar) defines the fine under the name चंदायण (Alternatively मदनावतार).
9. gas (faqat). Occurrence : 120.
All our metricians except Virahānka have treated this metre. Its general scheme is : 6+ v3+4+4+4+v**v +- (Ch. IV 14, in the
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