The causative suffix •3719 becomes o379 when applied to the roots either ending in a long vowel or having a heavy root syllable : ठवइ a, ठविय 135c and संठविय 195c (all from ठा), णिम्मविय (from णिम्मा) 31a, विभविय 46a, उल्हवइ 137f, 138b, धीरवइ 116d, मावइ (meaning माइ) 141b appears to be an exception.
___Like the ya-Sruti, va-Sruti too appears in stray cases (between 3 and a following vowel, as also between any two vowels) to bridge up the hiatus created by the elision of an intervocalic stop : रुवइ (=रुदति) a etc. (thrice), उवर ( = उदर ) 135a, केवइ ( =केतकी) 53d etc. (thrice), चावइ ( =चातकी ) 133a,
Consonant-Changes a) SINGLE CONSONANTS
Voicing. The stray cases of voicig that are met with in the SR., to wit, अणेग ( =अनेक ) 177b, एग ( =एक ) 180d, बग ( =बक ) 180d, (besides one case of the preservation of a voiced consonant in जग ( =जगत् ) 137e) are quite familiar to the Prakrit, अगर 189a retains the 0. कुंज ( =क्रौञ्च ) 164c and पल्लंग 188d ( =पर्यङ्क) are rare cases of voicing a voiceless stop in the group (nasal+stop) - a trait of the Sindhi-Panjabi-Lahnda group.
___ The group (nasal+non-nasal stop) is assimilated to double nasal in संनेह० ( =संदेस =संदेश) 19c, Pk. संनेय 4c, ef. संनेहडउ (A) 80a (otherwise संदेसउ 68b, etc.), सामोर ( =* सम्मउर = *सम्बउर =शाम्बपुर) 42a. In Early Maithili this tendency to assimilate a post-nasal stop has already set in. See VR. $ 13, end. For Gujarati cf. TURNER, 'Gujarāti Phonology' (JRAS, 1921), 8 78.
vii. Simplification of a double consonant. This New Indo-Aryan tendency is attested by several words :
(a)withoutcompensatory lengtheningin सकुलिय(=सकु =शष्कुलिका) 23b, कणयार ( = कण्णियार =कर्णिकार) 60b, वखाणियइ ( = वक्खा from व्याख्यान) 65a, कपूर ( = कपूर) 79a; इकत्ति ( =इक्कति from एकत्र) 80b, इकल्लिय ( =इक्क from
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