and he made good that loss by himself filling the gap. We have included here only Tribhuvana's contribution. Moreover the readings of the manuscript in the case of Samdhis 105 to 112 are considerably corrupt. So we thought it advisable to omit it.
Tomar's text of Saṁdhis 97 to 103 was revised by Bhayani in view of metrical consideration and of observing consistency of grammatical form. Dr. Ramanik Shah assisted by Saloni Joshi prepared a copy of the text of Samdhis 103 to 112 on the basis of Bh. manuscript. But as said previously we have excluded the last nine Sardhis.
At numerous places in the later part the readings are doubtful and the meaning obscure. To indicate this we have put questionmarks. But actually the text is unclear to us at many more places. Our only excuse to publish such a text is to make available the way the topics covered by this part were treated by Svayambhū and Tribhuvana.
In the second Kadavaka of Samdhi 104 (not included in the published part), Tribhuvana has given a long list of earlier Sanskrit, Prakrit and Apabhraíśa poets. The list is important from several points of view. But there is a number of copyist's errors and the identification of the poets some known, many unknown poses another problem. In some commentaries of Hāla's Gāhākosa also we find the author name appended to each Gātha and there also forms of many names are obviously corrupt. Tribhuvana's list would require a special treatment.
1-5-2000, Ahmedabad
H. C. Bhayani
Jain Education International
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