The width of any ring, whether land or water, is double that of the preceding ring.. The central core (i. e., the initial circle) is of 100,000 yojanas in diameter and is called Jambudvipa.
Consider four cylindrical pits each of 100,000 yojanas in diameter and 1,000 yojanas deep. Call these A, B, C, and D. Imagine that A, is filled with rape-seedsand further rape-seeds are piled over it in the form of a conical heap, the topmost. layer consisting of one seed. The total number of seeds required for the operation is-For the cylinder: 19791209299968. 101
For the superincumbent cone: 1790200845451636363636363636363636363636363636. The totel numbar of seeds is 1997112938451316363636363636363636363636363636. We shall call the process described above by the term "overfilling" a cylinder with rape-seeds.
Now, take the seeds from the above over-filled pit and drop them, beginning from Jambudvipa, one on each concentric ring of land or water of the Universe. The number of seeds being even, the last seed would fall on a ring of water. Let one rapeseed be put in B, to denote the end of this operation.
Now, imagine a cylinder with the diameter of the boundary of the ring of 1 water into which the last rape-seed was dropped in the above operation, and 1000yojanas deep. Call this cylinder A. Imagine A, to be overfilled with rape-seeds. Drop the seeds, beginning after the last ring of watar attained in the previous operation, successively on the rings of land and water. This second dropping of seeds will lead toa ring of water on which the last seed is dropped.
Place one more seed in B, to denote the end of this operation.
Imagine now a cylinder with diameter that of the last ring of water attained above, and 1000 yojanas deep. Call this cylinder As. Let As be over-filled with. rape seeds and let these seeds be dropped on the rings of land and water as before, and let at the end of the process a seed be dropped in Bi.
Imagine the above process continued tiil B1 is overfilled. The above process leads to cylinders of increasing volumes:
A1, A2, .........
Let A' be the last cylinder obtained when B, is over-full.
Now, begin with A' as the first over-full pit and continue the above process dropping one rape-seed on each ring of land and water, beginning after the water ring into which the last seed in the previous operation was dropped. Then drop one seed in C. Continue the process till C, is over-filled. Let A" be the last cylinder obtained by the above process. Then begin with with A" and proceeding as before over-fill D. Let A" be the last pit obtained at the termination of this operation.
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