proper nouns take a and i in the non. sing. as in case of sohaṇā, sohaṇī, suppaṇahi, suppaṇahā. But in certain places as pia, vallahā etc. there will always be ā, and according to Sakalya words ending in consonants always take i. Rt has a corresponding rule to this (I. 4. 9.) while Pu has not. Bhamaha commenting on Vr. ( V. 24) says that a or i becomes the suffix of the feminine words ending in a. Vasantarāja interprets the rule in the following manner :
अदन्तात् परमाकारा ईकारो व्यञ्जनादपि । इत्येवं व्यवतिष्ठन्ते बहुलग्रहणात् परे ॥
None of the authorities save Mk quotes the view of Sakalya by name on this issue.
The second instance of quoting Śakalya is the rule V. 96 (Šakalyasyata in mate) of Mk which enjoins that according to Sakalya the loc. pl. of yuşmad and asmad take i instead of e in place of a, viz., tujjhisum; tumhisum. Therefore Mk remarks that this rule is not approved by many-etat na bahusammatam. Indeed none of the authorities gives such a rule or quotes Sakalya's view
in the matter.
The third instance of quoting Śakalya is given in
the above footnote. The forth instance is the rule IX. 109 (hos ca Šakalyamate syāt) of Mk which enjoins that Sakalya changes bhu to ho in Ś as in hodi instead of bhodi. Of all the grammarians Rt has a rule exactly corresponding to this wherein he also quotes the view of Sakalya (cf. II. 1.25).
Besides Rt has a number of rules wherein he mentions Sakalya-Manḍavyamate and in to more places he mentions simply Sakalyamate. In most of these cases Mk has corresponding rules, but no mention of either
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