प्राकृतसर्वस्वम्। most parts of the country. Takka was situated in Western India. So sākkī was essentially an Ap which later on must have been taken ss a character dialect owing perbaps to its spread through the agency of gamblers, merchants aud baser people (cf. Mk XVI. 1). Thus Tākki should be viewed as distinct from other Vibhāşās, for they have the influence of Ap on them whereas Takki is almost identical with Ap. This point wiil be further elucidated while dealing with Takka as. a division of Ap.
VI Three Main Varieties of Apabhramśa.
42. Now coming to Ap we see that Mk recogni. ses three principal kinds of the same. He treats them in Pādas XVII and XVIII of his grammar; they are Nāgara, Vrācada and Upanāgara. The unnamed author whom he quotes in the introduction to his work mentions 27 kinds of Ap. Mk accepts only three of them as noted above and rejects the rest on account of their slight difference ( sūkşmabhedatvāt, see Intro. 7). He includes the rest, as will be seen later on, under these three principal kinds of Ap. Of these three again he gives first place to Nāgara which he discusses in detail. He derives Vrācada from Nāgara and specifies some of its peculiarities. Then he disposes of Upanāgara by defining it as the mixture of the said two. He then proceeds to note their peculiarities in brief but these are of so minor importance that they do not deserve recognition of their independent status.
91. Bh recognises such a dialect even though he does not mention the name of Ap while classifying different kinds of Pkt and localises it round about Himavat, Sindhu and Sauvira :
fenaf yatarti a : FATISTAT: I 39427got aaràg sai ithall NÁ, XVII, 60.
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