Nyāyapancānana, Durghatodghata of Keśavadatta Tarkapañoānana Bhatýācārya, Kaumudī of Abhiramavidyālaskāra, Arthabodhanī of Candrasekhara Vidyalankāra and Harirama Vāoaspati, tīkū of Sarvavidyālankāra Bhattācārya, Bhāvarthadīpókā of Mahesa Pañoānana are worth-mentioning. The Sārasangraha of Pitāmbaraśarmă is an abstract from the Samkşiptaşāra. This school is also rich in its treatises on roots. Besides the Dhātupārāyana or Dhātumāla of Jumaranandī, we have several other important works, such as, the Dhātumālā of Mahesa, Rūpaprakāśa of Kullūkabhatta, Dhāturatrāvala of Rādhākļşņa-Śarmā, Dasavala-kārikā of one Daśavala (?), and the Vasudhatukärikā of an unknown author. On ganas, the Ganaprakāśa of Nārāyaṇa Nyāya pañcānana and the Ganamārtanda of Nộsimba Tarkapañoānana are remarkable. The Třapakāvali of Haragovinda Vācaspati can also be mentioned in this connection,
(ii) On the Prākrit portion $ 57. None of the authors has written any commentary on the Prākrit portion of Kramdīśvara's Samkşiptasāra. It is said that Jumaranandī wrote a vrtti on the Prākrit pāda also ; it is also said that Goyicandra too wrote an elaborate exegetical note on the 8th pāda of Kramadīśvara. But unfortunately Goyīcandra's commentary on the Prākrta-pāda is not available now-a-days, and regarding Jumaranandi's vrtti nothing can be said at present, until the manuscript of Candidevaśarmā has been carefully examined.
$ 58 The only commentator of Kramadīśvara's Prākrtapada, so far as it is known to us, is Candidevaśarmā described above. We know one Candidāsa who is the commentator of Kavyaprakāśa. He is also described as the younger brother of the grand-father (or accord ing to some the great grand-father) of Viśvānātha, the author of Sahitya. darpana (14th cent. A. D.). It is also said (10C. No. 839) that Nrsimha Tarkapañoānana is the descendant of Candidāsa who belonged to the endogamous groups called Vanga-meli. They lived at Ketugrāma four miles away to the Uddharaṇapura on the Ganges. But nowhere do we find any reference to his authorship of a commentary on Krama
1) My information is chiefly based on Mitra's Notices of Skt. M88, (IV) and . P. Sastri's Notices of Skt. Mes, and series, Vol-II , Des, Cat. Skt. Mss. (VI), Proface, pp. lxiv-lxxiii , TOO. Vol-I, part II and Vol-II.
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