on its different aspects, such as, Samdhi, Tinanta, Krdanta, Taddhita, Kāraka, Subanta and Samāsa. That he has not followed the arrangement of Panini is clear from the fact that Samdhi comes first in his system, while according to that of Panini it comes at the end. Moreover, he has rejected some of the apparently unnecessary and difficult sutras of Panini as well as the Vedic rules. H. P. Śāstrī1 is of the opinion that Kramadisvara had followed the Vakyapadiya of Bhartṛhari (651 A, D.). But there is no justification for this surmise.
§ 45. One of the striking features of his grammar is this that the commentators of this school take illustrative examples from the Bhattikavya and in this respect it has a resemblance to Bhartṛhari's Dipika on Patanjali's Mahābhāṣya. It is interesting to note, again, that (Nara-)-nārāyaṇa Vidyavinodācārya of Purvygrāma wrote a commentary called Bhaṭṭibodhini, on the Bhaṭṭikavya, and he explains all grammatical peculiarities of the poem by citing the authority of of Kramadisvara's grammar.
§ 46. Another special feature which is interesting for our present study is the inclusion of Prakrit in continuation of his Sanskrit grammar; and in this section (which is divided into five chapters, namely, vowele, consonants, declensions, conjugations and Apabhramsa including Magadhī, Saurasenī, Paiśācī and several other sub-dialects), he has recorded some of the special traits, other than those which are common to all, of Prakrit language, particularly of Apabhramsa.
(c) On the genuineness of his Prakrit grammar
§ 47. But scholars are not always unanimous with regard to the genuineness of this portion. Doubts have been raised on the authenticity of the eighth chapter dealing with Prakrit, which, according to Belvalkar, is a later addition. But by citing the authority of Goyīcandra" we may say that the eighth-pada (i. e. the Prakrit
1) Des. Cat. Skt. Mss. p. lxi. The similarity in the method of arrangement, though farfetched it is, does not mean that Kramadiśvara has followed it truly i but the resemblanc may be regarded as accidental. 2) Keith: History of Sanskrit Literature, p. 429. 3) R. L. Mitra's Notices of Skt. Mss. Vol-IV, pp. 209-10, No. 1637, Calcutta, 1878. 4) Sys. Skt. Gram. p. 109. 5) (a ) सर्वेशं शिवं प्रणम्य सर्व भाषासु संस्कृत - प्राकृतपैशाच्यादितु संक्षिप्तसारं लक्षणं क्रमदीश्वरनामा पण्डित 'आचष्टे taifa zat: (b) संस्कृतभाषालक्षणानि समाप्याष्टमेन पादेन प्राकृतादिभाषालक्षणानि विरचितवान् - Goyicandra under Mangalācarana verse
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