(2) Consonants : Simple v) In consonant, the following sounds, initial or medial--are generally confounded :
ka ( ) and pha ( F ); kha (30) and tha (t);2 ( t ) and bha ( 5 ); ca ( 5 ) and va or ba ( 7 ): tha ($) and oa ( 5 ), da ( 5 ) and (€); ņa (9) and la ( 77 ) and also with na (at); da (7) and pa (9); ra (7) and ba or va ( 7 ); ya ( 7 ) and ja ( 8 ).
vi) Besides, the following consonants with vowels, other than a(9), are also confounded :
dha (1) and ? (*); bhi with hu (7) or gu (*): pu.(%) and mu (I) with su (2).
vii) The three sibilants are freely confused.
(3) Conjuncts
viii) It is to be noted that conjuncts like jra (9) and jja (*); dru (F) and hra (?); ştra () and stra ( ); stha ( ) and hu () are not easy to distinguish.
ia) As all the manuscripts are written in Bengali script, we find the following system of doubling :
rija ($), rddha (F), ryya ( 5 ), rova (), rmma (*) eto.
a) Two aspirate sounds are generally retained, where the previous one should be de-aspirated. It is curious again to note that the mistakes of these manuscripts are almost exactly the same, save in a few cases which are, however, generally helpful to as in improving the reading of the text.
(ii) Differences in the MSS.
§ 25. Although there are points of similarity, still they differ in some respects. The beginnings of all of them are not always similar and so also the colophons. Besides, in C and O, the dates of copying the manuscripts are given, while the rest are silent on this point. There are also some differences in readings, and these are helpful to us in ascertaining the correct readings of the text by eliminating many misreadings and scribal errors.
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