generated by individuals, groups, industrialists, agriculturists etc. People are so selfish and individualistic that they do clean their own places but through away the garbage at others places or public places like roads, parks, drains, rivers etc. They are concerned with their own self-interest and are indifferent to harm to others and society (which includes themselves). It is getting more and more formidable even in the most advanced societies. Unless each individual or group has symbiotic attitude and disposition, free from personal greed, infatuation and lust for material pleasures the problem would not be solved whatever be the strategies and methodologies. This is one important factor responsible for pollution of soil, water and entire environment causing various endemic and epidemic diseases. It is individualistic tendency which generates personal and social conflicts in families, societies and even nations many times of horrendous and catastrophic nature. Mental disorders stress, tension and even schizophrnia is generally because of lack of congenial atmosphere in families and societies. It is lack of harmony (symbiotic environment) that triggers biological malfunctioning, chemical imbalances of sarotonin, dopamine etc. which are secreted in excess or short amounts by neurons and other glands and cells. If there is symbiotic environment there will be no psycho-somatic problems and also other conflicts and wars.
Most ills in human society are because of lack of symbiotic relationship, and growing individualism, personal greed and self-interest at cost of others. The growing individualistic attitude has almost destroyed old symbiotic, harmonious joint family system. The hype about rights of individual has also aggravated the situation. Individual rights must be subordinate to community rights. Most criminals are individualstic as they are not concerned about harm to others. A pharmacist manufactures fake drugs knowingly as he is concerned with his own profits oblivious of harm even death of others. Traders adutlerate eatables. Engineers condone sub
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