according to availability of constant quantity of food for each other. The status quo and survival and well being of all will be maintained indefinitely. This is how all the systems and subsystems are working symbiotically, disturbed and harmed only when run-aways of any one of constituents in population and demand occur. Mankind with its superior brain power, anthroprocentric attitude, uncontrolled proliferation in numbers, and rising demands has caused greatest harm.
Consequence and Redemption :
Mankind itself has suffered from conflicts of all sorts, wars big and small, calamities of famine, drought and pestileneces because of lack of symbiotic attitude and relationships within itself and with other life forms and physical environment. The known history of mankind is written more with blood-shed, predations, exploitation and subjugation of one another than in brief green spaces of peace and harmony. There is no such rivalry or exploitation anywhere in nature if not disturbed by human greed, exploitation and encroachment. Mankind is bestowed with most superior brain power in the entire biome, has capacity to judge between right and wrongs, good and bad, beneficial and harmful, yet man indulges in all sorts of wrongs inspite of abundant knowledge, information and stark warning scientific facts. Even rudimentary life forms with infinitesimal mentation capacity do not commit such wrongs. Obviously mankind is yet immature in evolving ethical process. There cannot be maturity without symbiosis.
Every component of the environment physical or life-form is integrated and interdependent. For harmony and welfare there has to be symbiotic relationship between individual to individuals, individual to systems and system to system/s. Aberration on the part of an individual create problems for the individuals, the society, the system and the whole environment. This is evident in case of human domain, the anthroposphere. A simple example is disposal of waste
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