(6) Numerical Strength (Kati janāh) : The minimum strength of a gaccha is 3, the maximum strength being fixed at 32,000 as was the case with the Order of Rşabhasena, the first ganadhara of the first Tir. thankara, Lord Rşabha.90
(7) Place for Easing oneself (Sthandila) : The first type of stha ndila, viz. anāpātam-asamlokam (i.e., not frequented by people, nor exposed to their sight), is prescribed. In exceptional cases, other types of sthandilas were permissible. 91
(8) Abode (Vasahi): The act of wiping alone was permissible, but
ut in special circumstances possessiveness and reconditioning (or repairing) were also allowed.92
(9) Duration of Stay (Kiyaccira): It could be shortened or lengthened according to circumstances.93
(10)-(19) Easing oneself' to 'How many would stay' (uccūra to ratsyatha kati janāh):94 Considerable relaxations were made in these rules under special circumstances, Malayagiri disposes of all these items by the cryptic statement : 'In all these cases, the prohibition is effective, if there is no special reason for the violation of the rule; that is, in ordinary circumstances, the monks and nuns continue to stay but they may resort to exception if there was any valid reason, with utmost care and caution.95
(20)-(27) 'Begging of Alms' to the 'Victor's Course' (bhiksācaryā to jinakalpa): Similar relaxations are also provided in item nos. 20 to 27.96
VIII. Essential Features (Sthiti)
The general principle in considering the items under the 'Essential Features' is that the restrictions peculiar to the other three courses (kalpas) 97 are not applicable here, inasmuch as the latter are practised only by specially qualified monks who belong to the first or second generation of the tirthankaras (founders, to be precise, the revivers of the religion).
(1)-(11) 'Place of birth,' etc. upto Meditation' (Kșetra upto dhyāna): These are practically the same as in the Victor's Course and can be understood by common sense, with necessary alteration of details that follow spontaneously from the general rules of conduct.
The reader will do well if he goes through pp. 66-69 before reading this dvära of essential features.
(12) Number (Gananā): At the stage of initiation, the minimum number may be nil at a particular time, or one, two or three upto the maximum of 2000 to 9000; and the minimum number of those engaged in practice may be 2000 koți and maximum 9000 koți, 98
(13) Secret Resolve (Abhigraha) : Such resolve pertains to (a) the substance (drovva) substance (dravya), or (b) the place (kşetra), or (c) the time (kāla), or (d) the mode (bhāva).
(a) As regards the substance, the resolve refers to the nature of the food to be accepted and also the mode and the instrument (ladle, etc.) of offer.99
(b) The place refers to the lanes, where the alms-giving houses and families are situated. Such
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