50 The Four Monastic Courses
The results of selection of these particular abode being used by directions for the cemetery are other parties of monks who might respectively as follows:
be in urgent need of that abode. In
both such cases, the members of the SW1 Abundance of food and survey party incur offences, such as
the consequent atmos- blameworthy command (ājñādayaḥ phere of tranquillity and doşāh) expiable by a light-monthly peace.
penance.51 S2 Paucity of food and drink. On the completion of the survey
3 Theft of equipments. work, two members of the party SE4 Mutual bickerings, and returned to the ācārya, and submit
the resultant chaos. ted their report confidentially to NW5 Disputes and quarrels. him in the night, so that nobody E Dissension and split in else might overhear. Such precauthe organization.
tion was taken in order to avoid Ny Health hazards.
controversy (asamkhada=kalaha) NE; Fatal misfortunes.
that might arise in favour or against
the selection of a particular place Random selection of sites for or abode. The reporter incurs cemetery led to bad consequences offence, if he divulges the report to mentioned above, and they (survey others, which is expiable by a lightparty) incur penance of the category monthly-penance.52 of "Four-months' uncommuted”
(ix) Selection of Abode : It is (caturmāsa-anudghāta), and also the
the prerogative of the ācārya to faults concerned with command
decide upon the selection of the (ājñā), etc., and disservice (vira
place, keeping in view the amenities, dhanā) to the Order 49
specially facilities for the obser**(vii) Abodes for Time-bound
vance of the daily routine of study, Penance : The abodes selected by
meditation, etc., and the availability the above-mentioned survey party
irty of alms at proper time. Different
of al are generally not suitable for the
monks may like different places observers of the Time-bound
according to their personal interests Penance (yathālandika), because of
such as availability of delicious the latter's specific and special
food, or better opportunity for conrules of begging alms and selection
ducting recitation of the scripture, of abodes that are not subject or devoting themselves to the deep to repair, reconditioning, etc.50
understanding of it, and so on. The (viii) Return of Survey Party : acārya, however, has to keep in As a general rule, the survey party view the overall interests of the should not make any commitment organization and strict observance as to their return to the places sur- of the rules prescribed.53 Here, the veyed, because such commitment ācārya is guided by the example of may not be fulfilled for various cau- the donkey (cuuthassa) that, if ses, or may stand in the way of the overfed, would jump and break the
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