The Four Stages of Sin
when, without intent to kill, the from the Jaina, Buddhist and actor engages in unjustifiable dan- Brāhmaṇical ancient literature and gerous behaviour resulting in death its comparison with modern law to another,"24
should throw ample light on the
essential unity of all legal specuCONCLUSION
lations by the thinkers all over the
world, concerned with religious, The above brief account of social and cultural welfare of grades of crime and punishment mankind.
1 Brhat-kalpa-Bhäşya, Verse 1655. Mala- dveşo'navasthanam smrter dharmes
yagiri, commenting on this verse, says: vanādarah. yoge duşpranidhanam ca manasā 'panne' pyaparädhe nästi tapah- pramādo'stavidhah smstah; tena yogāt prāyaścittam sthavirkalpikānām. ālo- pramattah syad apramattastato cana-pratikramana-prayascitte tu tatrā- 'nyathā. pi bhavata iti mantavyam.
13 manopubbangamă dhammā manosetthā 2 Vy. 12-14.
manomayā; manasā ce padutthena 3 XI. 11.
bhāsati vā karoti vä, tato nam dukkham 4 Verse 9.
anveti cakkam va vahato padam. 5 Vyavahāra-Bhäşya-pithikā, pp. 44-46. 14 Il. 6. 10. 1-2. 6 Ibid., gāthā 44 (p. 18 a), with Malaya- 15 HII. 3. 20-22. giri's ţikā.
16 P.V. Kane : History of Dharmaśāstra, 7 Pärājika Pāli, p. 94.
Vol. II, part I, pp. 151-52. 8 Ibid., p. 92.
17 X1. 206-07 9 Abhidharma-kosa, 1V, 73 ab: prắna- 18 P. 284.
tipātaḥ sancintya parasyābhrānta-mara- 19 IV. 20. nam.
20 P.V. Kane : op. cit., III, pp. 391-92. 10 Ibid., Bhāşya : abuddhi-pūrvād api 21 III. 227.
pranivadhāt kartur adharmah, yathā 22 P.V. Kane: op. cit., pp. 517-18.
agnisamyogād dāha iti nirgranthāh. 23 Webster's Third New International 11 VII. 8.
Dictionary, 1976, s.v. murder. 12 Svopajña-Bhāşya-ţikä on Tattvärtha. 24 Quoted from Encyclopaedia Britan
sutra, VII. 8, p. 65 : ajñānam samsayas- nica, 1973, Vol. II, p. 647. Portion in caiva mithyājñānam tathaiva ca; rāgo brackets is ours.
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