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Varadatta (व्य) the first Ganadhara of Neminaath Bhagwan 582
Barangacharit (व्य) a poetic text by Jatasimhanando 1.35
Barangana - a prostitute 1.35 Vardhaka (भी) Ratnaprabha's Kharbhaag's fifteenth patal 4154
Varchaka (भी) Pankprabha's fourth prastar's Indravil 4.132
Varat (व्य) a king 50.83 Varna - the method of Gandharva in the context of pada 19.149
Varna = the difference in the sound of the body 19.148
Varna (य) the king of the city of Koshika 42.61
Varna a difference in the Vaishnava
Varnaashram - Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, these four varnas, Brahmachari, Shudra, Grihastha, Vanaprastha and Sanyasi these four ashrams 5413
Varun (व्य) a special deity (Lokpal) 5.317
Varun (व्य) the son of Jarasandha 52/39
Varun (व्य) the Ganadhara of Rishabhdev 12.65
Varun (व्य) the protector deity of the Varunivar island 5.640 Varun (व्य) a knowledgeable person who was a friend of Kansa 35.37 Varun (य) a Muni 64.12 Varun (पा) the western gopura of the Sphatik Saal 57/59 Varun (भौ) related to the Bharat Kshetra
Hari Vansha Purana
A mountain situated near the southern part of Vijayap 27॥2
Varunprabha (व्य) the protector deity of the Varunivar island 5.640 Varunabhisya (व्य) the son of Jarasandha 52.38
Vartana (पा) the change in the form of the loss of the position of the foot 7.1 Varatanu (व्य) the deity who lives in the southern Lavana sea 11.13 Varada (पा) the western gopura of the Sphatik Saal 57/59 Varada (भौ) a river 17.23 Varadatta (य) a Muni 60.106 Varada (व्य) the first Ganadhara of Neminaath 60/349
Vardal (भी) the Indravil of the second prastar of the Tamah Prabha earth 4146 Vardhaka (भी) a village in the Koshal country of the Bharat Kshetra 27.61 Vartham (य) a Muni Raj 33.111
Vardhaman (भौ) a kut in the northern direction of the Ruchikgiri 5.702
Vardhaman (व्य) the last Tirthankara Mahavira 2046 Vardhaman Jinendra (व्य) the last Tirthankara
Vadhmaan Jineshine (पा) the twenty-fourth Tirthankara 12 Vardhaman Purana
a text 1.41
Varaha (भौ) Vi. U. Nagari
22.87 Varaha (व्य) the friend of Charudatta 21.13
Unknown poet
Varahak (व्य) a Vidyadhar related to Vasudev 512 Varishtha (पा) the southern gopura of the Sphatik Saal 57/58 Varsh (पा) a year of two ayans 722
Lah (भौ) a mountain in Rajgrihi 3.55
Vahak (व्य) the commander of Krishna's army, the name of the shankha of Anavrushti
Vahak (भौ) Vi. U. Nagari 22.91
Vali (व्य) a king of the sixth generation of Meghnaad who was a Pratinarayan 25|34 Chali (व्य) the Ganadhara of Suparshvanath 60.347
Vali (व्य) the sixth Pratinarayan Vastu (भी) the fourth Indra of the Saudharma Yugal 6.44 Vaprhabhiman (भी) the Vimana of Kubera
Lokpal 5.327 Vallari (व्य) a Bhilni
Vashishtha (व्य) a
tapas in Mathura, who later went to Varanasi and became a Jain Muni
Vasant (व्य) an enemy of Manoyog
a Vidyadhar 4740 Vasantbhadra = a fast 34.56
Vasant Sundari (व्य) the daughter of King Vindhyasen and Narmada 45/70 Vasant Sena (व्य) the daughter of the Kalinga army of Champapuri
Ganika 21.41