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Mahaseen (vy) son of Jarasandha 52.38
Mahaseen (vy) brother of Krishna's Lakshmana's wife 44.25 Mahaseen (vy) uncle of Unseen, son of Shantanu 48.240 Mahaseen (vy) - an Acharya 1.33
Mahaseen (vy) son of Krishna 48.70
Mahaseen (vy) a king 50.131
Mahahaimavat (bhi) second Kulachal of Jambudweep 5.15 Mahahaimavaskut (bhi) second Kut of Mahahaimayat Kulachal 5.71 Mahahruday (vy) Dev residing in the Ankprabh Kut of Kundalagiri 5.693
Mahijay (p) son of Samudra Vijay 48.44
Mahijay (vy) son of Jarasandha 52/30 Mahidatt (vy) son of Pauloma 1728
Mahidhar (vy) Gandhar of Bhagwan Rishabhdev 12.58 Mahipal (vy) son of Jarasandha 52.31 Mahendra (bhi) Kut related to the north direction of Kundalagiri 5.694
Mahendra (vy) a king 60.81 Mahendra [bhi] Vi. U. Nagari 22.10
Mahendra (vy) son of Achal 48149
Mahendragiri (vy) born to Vasudev from Gandharvasena, wife, in Harivansh Purana 48.55
Mahendradatt (vy) Gandhar of Shabdev 12/66 Mahendrajit (vy) son of Indradhyumn 13.10 Mahendravkram (vy) son of Uditara Kram 13.10 Mahendravkram (vy) king of Shivamandhir Nagar, in the south row of Vijayardh 21.22 Mahendrasen (vy) a Muni 43.150 Mahoday (vy) a Mandap of Samavasaran 57.86
Makandhi [bhi] a Nagari 45.120
Magadh [vy] Dev residing in the east of Lavanasamudra 117
Magadh [vy] Jarasandha 1.108 Magadh = King Shrenik 45.3 Magadheshpur [bhi] special Nagar 18.17
Matang-diti Devi gave scientific knowledge 22.59 Matang [vy] son named 22.108 Matang = caste of Vidyadhar 26.15
Matangpur [bhi] Vi. D. Nagari 22.100
Matarishwa = dog 4653 Matuhi [vy] charioteer of Neminath's chariot sent by Indra 51.11
Matrushwasa = maternal aunt 18128 Matra-talgat Gandharv, a type 19.151 Madi [vy] king Pandu's second wife 45.38
Madhavi [bhi] rooted name of Mahatam-Prabha 4/46
Manav [bhi] name of the country 196 Manav (pa) one of the treasures of Chakravarti 11.110
Mandavy [vy] Veer 3.42
Madhavamas = month of Vasant 55443
Madhav = [vy] Shrikrishna 42.68 Madhavi = a creeper 11.100 Manav (vy) a system of knowledge given by Aditi Devi 22.57 Manav (bho) Vi. D. Nagari 22.95 Manavputraka - a caste of Vidyadhar 268
Manavartik (bho) name of the country
Bhagwan Maha Chatha Gandhar 11.68
Manas Veg (vy) son of Chittaveg Vidya Dhar 24.70 Manasveg (vy) enemy of Vasudev, a Vidyadhar 26/27 Manasveg (vy) a Vidyadhar related to Vasudev 51.3 |Manastambh = Samavasaran's four directions, a pillar with glory 2074 Manangana (pa) a land of Samavasaran 5719 Manushoत्तरbhubhrut (bhi) Pushkar
a mountain in the shape of a crown in the middle of the island 3.577 Manushoत्तर (bhi) a forest of Meru Parvat 5.307 Manus (vy) silver of Manushoत्तर