Disclaimer: This translation does not guarantee complete accuracy, please confirm with the original page text.
## English Translation:
**Aaran (also) fifteenth heaven**
**Aaran (also) second Indra of Achyuta heaven** 6.51 **Aaran (also) fifteenth heaven**
**Aaram (also) to start doing work**
**'Kushamanda Devi = a Vidya** 22.64
**Aarthadhyaana (pa) false meditation** 1. Ista-viyogaja 2. Anishta-yogaja 3. Vedana-janya 4. Nidaana 5614
**Aarya Vidya's synonym for the group** 22.58 **Aarya (vy) son of Pavangiri and Mrigaavati - Jiva of Sumukh** 15.24 **Aarya = Sadhvi** 270 **Aaryavati = a Vidya** 2.65 **Aarshami = a jati related to Shadja swar** 111174 **Aavaap = a type of Talgat Gandharva** 19.150 **Aavart (bhau) Vi**
**Aavart (bho) country** 11.73 **Aavarta (bhau) a country of Paschim Videha** 5.245 **Aavali (pa) an Aavali is an innumerable time** 7.19 **Aavashyak Parihaani = Bhavana**
**D. Nagari**
**Aavrusht (also) country**
**Aasha = direction** 3.27 **Aasha (vy)**
**Residing on Kanchan Kut**
**Devi** 5.716 **Aasha Vishvammaraah Prithviyaan** 3.32
**Aashivish (bho) Vakshaarapiith of Paschim Videha** 5.230 **Aashivishvadhu = Sarpiini** 54.24 **Aashaadh (bhau) Vid Nagari** 22.95
**Aasadan (pa) Asrava of Gyaanav. and Darshanav.** 58.92 **Aasing (also) country's name**
**Asuvasu (vy) son of Vasudhvaj** 66.4
**Aasthaangana (pa) a land of Samavasaran** 57/12 **Audav = a swar of fourteen Murchhanaas** 19.169 **Aupshamik (CT) a type of Samyagdarshan** 3.144 **Aushadhi (also) city of Videha** 5/257 **Aushadhish = Chandrama** 42.3 **Adhi = mental pain** 28 28
**[I] Ikshuvardweep (also) seventh dweep**
**Ikshuvar Sagar (bhau) seventh Sagar** 5/615
**Ikshvaku (vy) = King born in Ikshvaku dynasty** 214 **In = Surya** 2.9
**Swami** 35.15
**In = Ibhya Seth** 45.100 **Impur (also) Hastinapur** 9.157 **Imvaahan (vy) a king of Kuru dynasty** 45.15
**Indivara (vy) daughter of King Prachandavaahan** 45.98 **Indu = Chandrama** 2.25 **Induvar (bho) fifteenth dweep among the last sixteen dweeps** 5.625
**Indra (pa) master of Devas** 3151 **Indrak (also) Vil between the layers of Ratnaprabha etc. Prithviyaan** 4.103 **Indrak Nigod = Indra of Narakas, name Vil** 4 352 **Indragiri (vy) a king**
**Gandhari's father** 60.93 **Indragiri (vy) king of Pushkalavati city of Gandhar country**
**Indrajushta (vi) served by Indra** 1.10 **Indradyumna (vy) son of Surya** 13.10
**Inspired by Indra**
**Indradhvaj (pa) a land of Samavasaran, where Hempith is located** 5785 **Indramodana** 268 **Indrapur (also) city built by Pauloma and Charam on the banks of Reva** 17.27 **Indrabhooti (vy) first Ganadhar of Bhagwan Mahaveer**
**another name Gautam** 3.41 **Indravirya (vy) a king of Kuru dynasty** 45.27 **Indrasharma (vy) a Brahmin of Giritat Nagar** 24.1 **Ila (vy) Devi residing on Lohitakhya Kut of Ruchikgiri** 5.712