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## Index of Words
This index provides the meaning of personal, geographical, technical and some literary terms found in the Harivansh Purana. Personal terms are followed by (व्य), geographical terms by (भौ), and technical terms by (पा). Literary terms are marked with a blank space.
Terms related to the Tirthankaras found in the 60th chapter are not included here, as they are described in a separate column. Similarly, the names of the Acharyas mentioned in the last chapter are not included here, as they are mentioned in the introduction.
Although a single word may be used in multiple places in this text, it is mentioned only once here. The chapter and verse numbers are given after each word. Words with similar spellings but different meanings are repeated.
* **अकम्पन (व्य)** - Krishna's son (48.170)
* **अकम्पन (व्य)** - The eighth Ganadhar of Lord Mahavira (3.43)
* **अकम्पन (व्य)** - The chief Acharya of seven hundred Munis (20.15)
* **अङ्गारक (भौ)** - Name of a country (11.168)
* **अङ्गारक (व्य)** - Son of Jwalanavega and Vimala Rani (19.83)
* **अधर्म (पा)** - The cause of the state of the Jiva and Pudgal (72)
* **अधर्मास्तिकाय (पा)** - The substance that helps the Jiva and Pudgal to stay in their state (4/3)
* **अधिकारिणी (पा)** - A type of action (58.167)
* **अधित्यका** - The upper plain of a mountain (20.33)
* **अतिथिसंविभाग (पा)** - A division of education and vows (58.158)
* **अतिदारुण (व्य)** - Son of a Bhil (27.107)
* **अतिदुःषमा (पा)** - The sixth period of the Avasarpini (71.59)
* **अजित (व्य)** - Son of Jarasandha (52.35)
* **अजित (व्य)** - The second Tirthankara (13.26)
* **अटट (पा)** - One At of eighty-four lakh Atangs (7.28)
* **अटटाङ्ग (पा)** - One Atatang of eighty-four lakh years (7.28)
* **अटनप्रिय** - Fond of wandering (19.36)
* **अग्निभूति (व्य)** - A specific son (64.6)
* **अग्निमति (व्य)** - The Ganadhar of Lord Rishabhdev (12.157)
* **अग्निमित्र (व्य)** - The Ganadhar of Lord Rishabhdev (12.58)
* **अग्निल (व्य)** - Wife of Somadev Brahmin (43.1100)
* **अतिनिरुद्ध (भौ)** - The great hell located in the west direction of the first layer of the fifth earth, related to the Tam Indraka (4.156)
* **अजितसेन (व्य)** - A messenger of Jarasandha (50.32)
* **अजितशत्रु (व्य)** - Son of Jarasandha (52.35)
* **अजितजय** - Krishna's bow (35.72)
* **अजितञ्जित** - The chariot of the Chakravarti (11.14)
* **अञ्जनमूलक (भौ)** - The eleventh layer of the Khar part of the Ratnaprabha (4/53)
* **अजनमूलकूट (भौ)** - A Kूट in the west direction of the Manupottra (5.604)
* **अजितसेना (व्य)** - Wife of Arija, the king of Arija Pur (34.18)
* **अतिमुक्तक (व्य)** - A Muni (16.89)