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In the Harivamsha Purana:
They are those who have the impurities of passions. (64.74) He is the moon-like husband. (64.136) Birth of descent to heaven, coronation-2.237 There are twenty thousand. (60.364) Originating from the nature of envy. (882) The root of heaven and liberation. (1010) There are sixty thousand directions. (60.361) Natural fragrance of the face. (4315) The path of heaven and liberation. (8219) There are sixty-one thousand six hundred. (60.1436) Free from the profundity of nature. (3173) Descended from the heaven. (13.26) There are twenty-four parts. (5.487)
Endowed with natural simplicity. (33125) Gold, slave, house, field. (58.142) There are one hundred and forty thousand. (5.279) This one with a fierce beak by nature. (33118) Declared as the self. (59.81) There are four thousand. (60.358) This is the nature of the Jinas. (65.13) In sixteen crore gold. (21061) There, five hundred ancient bearers. (1671) By his own mantra, just as desired. (17.111)
And the small parts of the sky. (7.35) They are more inauspicious. (4.368)
Experienced by their own mouths. (58.292) Hearing about his future lineage. (34.1) Garland, discus, fine clothes, lotus. (2173) Itself due to the excess of strength. (25151) Your own vehicle limit. (6.117) Then the garland with all the clothes. (55.119) Engaged in the svayamvara. (44.42) Wandering in their own attire. (26.23) The fragrant garlands. (37.131) Remembering the svayamvara ritual. (31.112) And the other causing his own sorrow. (58.102) The pure garland in the flowing robe. (37.10) Went to her svayamvara. (33.136) Hearing about their relationship. (47.160) Due to fear of karmic bondage. (20.144) Remembering the svayamvara ritual. (64.131) Divided according to their own nature. (19.22) Even in his own wife. (43.191)
Due to his own remorse. (58.126) Bondage created by himself. (58.263) The girl in the svayamvara ritual. (24.40) His own army and the enemy army. (52.687) Due to fear of his own anger and greed. (58.119) Uprooted in the svayamvara. (23.157) Alone in his own place, not small. (85) Legs and arms. (36.37) Those seeking the svayamvara. (23.158) Enough to move from his own place. (20.65) They are like clear crystal. (57.496) The best man in the svayamvara. (23.125) Entered his own house. (42.97) Of the pure and favorable. (119.2) The twentieth tirtha. (11.22) Caused by his own family. (41.24) The self performs its own karma. (58.12) Knowing his own, being carried in the sky. (19099) Of his own mother and wife. (36.52) Himself drew the chariot. (61.84) Contact of the limb with the limb. (47.152) Sucking the breasts of his own mother. (15.30) Known as Svayambhu Ramana. (5.626) Independent, unobstructed. (16.60) Birth itself comes first. (7.12) Also in the beginning of Svambhara Mane. (5.632) Gradually increasing his own body. (15.31) The island of Svayambhu Ramana. (57.30) Engaged in self-study, meditation and yoga. (43.212) To cover his own faults. (33.122) Ushas, his own daughter. (55.17) Self-study is of five types of knowledge. (64.30) Stating his own side. (17.113) The lord of the Svayamprabha Vimana. (5.323) Sometimes with their own people. (41.155) Appeared in their own family homes. (35.21) The self knows the self itself. (58.129) With the women of the inner palace. (41.129) Creeping with the taste of his own wife's distress. (35.43) And the other perversity of his own yoga. (58.111) Purity of the inner self to the Jinesha. (3.19) In the distinction of one's own possessions. (56.25) The three common to all. (19.178) At the time of death, the role of an omen. (61.20) And the delightful cities. (27.10) Devoid of the three jewels. (57.565) According to his own intention in the Vedas. (17.116) Burnt by his former enemy. (12.21) All the vowels should be known. (19.214) The master and the sons of Kola. (9.112) Caused by his own negligence. (64.16) Reflected in the vision of his own form. (42.127) Abandoning this master. (50.198) Vibration of his own region. (56.77) Also with the seven vowels. (38.127) Of the master Shanivega. (19.70) Self-praise, blaming others. (3.111) Up to the fall from heaven. (12.23) O master! O mistress! (47.124) Knowing the birth of his own sister. (35.31) The splendor of heaven. (871) O master, may your grace be upon me. (33.39) Thinking it to be a dream. (9.165) The glory of heaven, the winner of glory. (57.16) When his order was carried out. (8.131) Let it be known as a dream. (892) The one who descended to heaven. (50.22) The great fortunate Svayambhu. (11.136)