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Sixteen hundred years, then 51154
Fifty-seven hundred years, 60.429
Sixty-one hundred years, 7 years later, 61
Seventy-three hundred years, 3.48
Fifty-nine hundred years, by the time of, 59.130
Five thousand one hundred fifty-two years, half and a quarter, 51522
Five thousand one hundred fifty years, half and a quarter, 51520
Eight hundred years, by the name of Jaya, 12.50
Eight thousand years, 60.372
Eighteen hundred years, the increase, 7.171
Eleven hundred years, should be known, 60.399
Six thousand years, and one hundred years, 6.38
Sixty-seven hundred years, fifty-five, 672
Sixty-five thousand three hundred years, given to Kumāri, 60530
Six hundred sixty-six years, eight thousand years, 666
Śatrughna, the conqueror of enemies, 33.171
Śatruñjaya, the great warrior, 501131
Kamsa, having overcome the enemy, 33.10
The enemy, in friendship, in happiness, in sorrow, 22.29
He was slowly inspired by him, 25.25
Having risen from sleep, going, 21296
He slowly goes from there, in time, 1217
The chariots of Śani, 621
Sound, smell, taste, touch, 101148
The difference in sound, the meaning of the meaning, 58.48
Sound, form, taste, touch, 43.197
He knows the meaning of the word, by itself, 17.119
He pacifies the enemy world, 36.75
Words filled with pacified sorrow, 55.133
Those who have pacified their passions, 64.62
Śamba, in all games, 48.10
Śamba, and others, at that time, many, 61168
In sleep, all-auspicious, 65.37
Of beds, seats, and objects, 111118
In the making of beds and seats, some, 8150
The arrow fell, like a thunderbolt, 1117
In the beautiful autumn clouds, 857
Śaradvīpa, the king, 45.30
The army of Śarabha, lion, forest, elephant, 55.91
Śatruñjaya threw arrows, 31395
Sixteen thousand, 53153
He obtained it on the mountain of arrows, 47138
The great forest of Śāla, 2.11
The world of bodily enjoyment, 64.7
Śāla, the hero of Kuṇḍapura, 60.205
The five elements of the body, whose, 58.247
These three Śālas, all one, 57164
The body is also abandoned, 9.120
Śāli, barley, field, thrown, 7.112
The body is impure, enjoyments, 56046
The wise man, knowing the state of government, 184155
The body, vision, knowledge, 18.154
Those addicted to the scriptures, I was, 21139
The fulfillment of the form of the body, 58.252
Skilled in the scriptures, 29.29
The removal of internal impurities from the body, 2.126
The student of the scriptures, always fond of women, 23175
He prevented arrows with arrows, 31.91
Twenty teachers arrived, 60.383
Śarmā and Kṛtavarmā, 60.194
Teachers, with six hundred, 60.363
The arrow was obtained by the chariot, 31498
Education, lakhs, of the third, 60.444
With the color of rabbit blood, 52.21
On the peak of that mountain, 5.145
Horses, white as the moon, 52.10
The crest, adorned with a garland of flowers, 37.42
The touch of the moon's hand, 14.98
The crest, terrible, the bird, 37.21
The name of Śaṣkulikaṇṇa, 5.473
The crest of the peacock, goose, and Garuda, 57.44
Covered with a net of weapons, 25.56
The head was shaken, it was said, 7.30
Hardened by weapons and scriptures, 43.166
Known by the strength of the stone, 53140
Skilled in the meaning of weapons and scriptures, 5080
Having first made it on the stone, 53134
At the end of the ocean of weapons and scriptures, 25.24
Śivā and Rohini, the goddess, 58.309
The warriors, with natural weapons, 25.62
At the birth of Śivādevī's son, 1196
To Śambhu, or to liberation, 25
The mouths of the crocodiles, 5.570
In the years of the Śakas, 66152
Lifting the child with his arms, 43.43
Today, the form of Śāṇḍilya, 23.133
Of this Śiśonirañjana, 8.194
The pillar made of white marble, 8.3
The cold moon, 7.137
O Lord, what should I do? 11111
Four hundred of the cold, 60.391
Those two, with pacified, diminished passions, 58.201
Even cold, on the peak of fame, 5714
Bodily, mental, happiness, 58.230
The worn-out autumn cloud, 16.32
His peaceful mind, sometimes, 149
The protection of the rampart of character, 30.12
For the peace of the world, 5050
Great sighs of character alone, 54.35
Even the peaceful one, has a crooked path, 1136
In the protection of character and vows, 34.134
The glorious son of Śāntāyudha, 29.36
Horses, the color of parrots, 52.6
The name of Śāntikunthvara, 601209
Parrots, and other cranes, 8.138
In the ministership of Śānti, 60505
The seed of semen and blood, 63.85
The auspicious day of Śānti's success, 60.271
Twenty added to Śukra, 33154
He was cursed, and I am his slave, 33154
Absorbed in the meditation of the white, 65.22
Bodily, mental, sorrow, 4.365
White, of the son of Soma, 52.17
The darkness of Śārvara, fierce, 63.28
That first white, white, 56.63
Śī, power, mace, etc., 53361
White, due to its connection with purity, 56.63