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## Verse Index
**Verse Number** | **Verse** | **Translation**
------- | -------- | --------
601520 | विजयोऽब्दशतं लक्षा | Victory, a hundred years, a lakh
47.130 | विद्याबलेन नि:शेष | By the power of knowledge, all
60.374 | विपुलोपगता ये ते | Those who have attained great
12061 | विजयश्रीरिति ख्यातः | Known as Victory-Glory
4776 | विद्याविकृतसैन्येन | With an army of knowledge-transformed
36.3 | विपुलपुलिनफेन- | Great waves of foam
57.102 | विजयादिचतुर्दिक्का | Victory, etc., in all four directions
47137 | विद्याकरिवरं प्राप | Attained the best of knowledge-sun
645 | विप्रस्य सोमदेवस्य | Of the Brahmin, Soma Deva
55417 | विजयादुत्तराशायां | From Victory, in the northern direction
12.15 | विद्याधरभवं पूर्व- | The Vidya-dhara, born in the east
56116 | विप्रयोगश्च मे माभूद्- | Separation from you should not be mine
5.263 | विजया वैजयन्ती च | Victory, the victorious one, and
22183 | विद्यानां वृक्षमूलानां | Of the roots of the trees of knowledge
1154 | विप्रकृष्टमपि ह्यथं | Even though it is far away
57.33 | विजयाभिजया जैत्री | Victory, victory, the victorious one
22180 | विद्यानां पाण्डुकीनां च | Of the pale ones of knowledge, and
45.136 | विप्रकीर्णा तदा माला | The garland was scattered then
8.106 | विजया वैजयन्ती च | Victory, the victorious one, and
47.22 | विद्याधरोचिता विद्या | Knowledge, praised by the Vidya-dharas
24.62 | विबुद्धस्तु पतिः पत्नी | The awakened husband, the wife
57194 | विजयाजिरकोणेषु | In the corners of the Victory-mountain
22.56 | विद्यानामदितिस्त्वष्टौ | Of the knowledge, Aditi, Tvasta
32.4 | विबुद्धा च प्रभाते तान् | And awakened, in the morning, them
5.27 | विजयाकुमाराख्यं | Named Victory-Kumar
5.612 | विद्याधरा न गच्छन्ति | The Vidya-dharas do not go
43.30 | विबुद्धा च समाख्यो | And awakened, named Sama
11101 | विजर्यास्थिति पित्रोर | The staying of the parents, Victory
9.134 | विद्याधरजनो धीरौ | The Vidya-dhara people, the brave
29.21 | विबुद्धो देहभूषाभा | Awakened, the beauty of the body's adornment
3.359 | विजयार्द्धषु सर्वेषु | In all the halves of Victory
4.64 | विद्युत्कुमारनामानो | Named Lightning-Kumar
45157 | विबुध्य सहसा मात्रा | Awakened suddenly by the mother
57.63 | विजयादिपुरद्वाःसु | In the gates of the city of Victory, etc.
51721 | विद्युत्कुमार्य एतास्तु | These are the Lightning-Kumaris
877 | विबुध्यस्व विबोधाय | Awaken yourself for awakening
5.111 | विजयाईकुमाराख्यं | Named Victory-Ayi-Kumar
26.4 | विद्युद्वेगोऽपि गौरीणां | Even the lightning-speed of the Gauri
45.40 | विभज्य कौरवं राज्यं | Dividing the Kuru kingdom
47121 | विजयाधगिरी रम्ये | In the beautiful Victory-mountain
48.47 | विद्युत्प्रभो नरपतिर् | The king, Lightning-radiance
11133 | विभवेन नरेन्द्रोऽसौ | That king, by his power
1263 | विजयो बुद्धिलाभाख्यो | Victory, named Intelligence-gain
13.24 | विद्युन्मुखः सुवक्त्रश्च | Lightning-faced, beautiful-faced, and
477 | विभ्रान्तश्च तथा त्रस्तो | Confused and also frightened
57.117 | विजयन्तं जयन्ताभं | The victorious one, the victorious-radiance
62.35 | विद्धपादतलोऽहं भो | I am pierced by your feet, O
38.25 | विभिन्नमपि सप्तधा | Even though it is different, in seven ways
57.117 | विजया वैजयन्ती च | Victory, the victorious one, and
62134 | विद्धतालपदः शौरि | Pierced by the palm of his foot, the valiant one
5553 | विभुमपि प्रति ता- | Even against the great one, those
59.14 | विजये विहरत्येष | He dwells in Victory
38042 | विधाय च सुरद्विप | And making the king of the gods
59.109 | विभूत्योद्धतया भूत्यै | For the sake of prosperity, with pride in his prosperity
14.50 | विजहार वने हृद्ये | He wandered in the pleasant forest
52.2 | विधाय पूर्ववद्व्यूही | Making the army as before
61116 | विभूत्या परयागत्य | Having attained great prosperity
1549 | विजितदोषकषायपरीषहं | Having conquered the faults, the stains, the enemies
58.186 | विधिदेयविशेषाभ्यां | By the special things given by fate
1115 | विमलाय नमस्तस्मै | To the pure one, salutations to him
11156 | विजित्य भारतं वर्ष | Having conquered the land of Bharat
55.132 | विधिमुपालभते वरहारिणं | The best of the deer, he obtains fate
601278 | विमलानन्तशान्तीनां | Of the pure, infinite, peaceful ones
60.125 | विजहार पुनर्देशान् | He wandered again in the countries
34.125 | विधीनामिह सर्वेषा- | Of all the laws here
22.35 | विमलाय नमो नित्य | To the pure one, salutations always
62.9 | विज्ञाय बलदेवोऽय- | Knowing that Balarama is
10159 | विनयः खलु कर्तव्यो | Humility is indeed the duty
50.49 | बिमलामलशार्दूला | The pure, spotless lion
14670 | विज्ञाय सुमुखाकूतं | Knowing the well of good faces
6092 | विनयश्रीस्तु कृत्वासौ | He made Humility-Glory
601140 | विमलोऽनन्तजिद्धर्मः | The pure one, the infinite, victorious dharma
4.56 | विज्ञयाः पङ्कबहुलाच, | The victorious ones, full of mud,
60190 | विनयश्रीगुणैः ख्याता | Known for the qualities of Humility-Glory
47.100 | विमानं कामगं कामः | The aerial chariot, the desire-going, desire
55.47 | वितपकरपि सालतमालज- | Even the branches of the Sal tree, the garland
21.99 | विनिःसृत्य महारण्यात् | Having come out of the great queen
37.39 | विमाननाथामरनाथ- | The lord of the aerial chariots, the immortal lord
45.132 | वितर्कः कर्कशं दृष्ट्वा | Seeing the harsh argument
54.16 | विनिमीलितनेत्रीया | With closed eyes
675 | विमानानि त्रयस्त्रिश- | The aerial chariots, thirty-three
42157 | विदर्भपतिपुत्री तन् | The daughter of the king of Vidarbha, that
47.129 | विनिर्ययुस्ततः पुर्या | Then they came out of the city
84136 | विमानानि समारूढा | Having mounted the aerial chariots
5.472 | विदिक्षु शशकर्णास्तु | In the directions, the rabbit-eared ones
24.5 | विनिद्रो रौद्रनादेन | Sleepless, by the fierce sound
27168 | विमाने श्रीप्रभे तत्र | In the aerial chariot, Sri-Prabha, there
51451 | विदिक्षु क्षुद्रपाताल- | In the directions, the small hells
12.63 | विनीतः संवरश्चोभा- | The polite one, Samvara, both
25.55 | विमानैश्च महामानैर् | And with great aerial chariots
5.348 | विदिक्षु सक्रमा हैमी | In the directions, the Indra, the golden one
60.182 | विनीता मरुदेवी च | The polite one, the Marudevi, and
47.132 | विमुक्तनारदेनोभौ | Both, released by Narada
5.231 | विदेहेष्वप रेष्वेते | In Videha, in those places, these
4.233 | विनैकेन तु पञ्चाश- | But by one, fifty
60565 | विमुक्तमलसंपर्को | Freed from contact with dirt
5.283 | विदेहक्षेत्रमध्यस्थः | In the middle of the Videha field
44.51 | विन्दन् भोगफलं भूरि | Finding abundant enjoyment-fruit
42177 | विमुखीकृतचैद्यन | Having turned away the Chedi
5.228 | विदेहे चित्रकूटाख्यः | In Videha, named Chitrakuta
18020 | विन्दुसारः सुतस्तस्मात् | Bindusara, the son from him
26.28 | विमुच्य वियतः शौरि | Having released from the sky, the valiant one
366 | विदितहरिसमीहश् | Known for his love of Hari
17.36 | विन्ध्यपृष्ठेऽभिचन्द्रेण | On the back of the Vindhya, by Abhichandra
15.27 | वियदतीत्य भुवो दशयो- | Having crossed the sky, the ten directions of the earth
36.13 | विदितरिपुविचेष्टास् | Known for the actions of the enemy
22146 | विपक्षप्रेक्षणासक्ति- | Attachment to observing the opposing side
57.134 | वियद्भूयौनिभीभङ्ग- | The breaking of the earth, the sky, and the mountains
24.80 | विद्यां साधयतस्तस्य | Of him, who perfects knowledge
38.11 | विपाण्डुरपयोधरां | The pale-blue ocean
43164 | वियोजिता मया नून- | Separated by me, surely
19.108 | विद्याशाखाबलेनोत्थां | Arising from the power of the branches of knowledge
5594 | विपुलराज्यपदस्थिति- | The position of the great kingdom
55.48 | विरचितां कुसुमैर्विविधैः | Composed with various flowers
2656 | विद्यादानं बालचन्द्रा- | The giving of knowledge, the young moon
49.41 | विपुलसपर्यया प्रणत- | Bowed down by the great retinue
58.199 | विरत्या विरतिमिश्रा | Mixed with renunciation, renunciation