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## Verse Index
**5.10** Thirty-three capitals
**18.179** Bhojakavrishni in the kingdom
**9.95** Which king is skilled in protection?
**21.112, 21.122** In the kingdom and in the Yuvarajya
**6.114, 6.143** The king, the group of three men
**21.111, 21.119** Establishing me in the kingdom
**28.3** Engaged in tales of royal wars
**18.30** Stood in fear at night
**45.88** Possessing the characteristics of a king
**11.19** Plucked by Rama and Keshava
**22.52** The fierce Bhoja, Kshatriya, and others
**5.112, 5.128** By the sons of Rama and Krishna in the battle
**33.164** All those royal sons
**27.154** Ramadatta's sons, the kings
**17.194** O King! The discussion of the matter
**27.75** Ramadatta, due to his righteousness
**57.485** This is the king with the banner of a lion
**27.121** Ramadatta's beloved wife
**19.84** The kingdom and my father
**41.150** Ramadamodarananda
**33.135** The king in Meghpura
**33.395** Along with Ramabhadra
**60.19** The king appointed these two in the kingdom
**5.627** Between the two masses
**27.33** The king said, "My dear, in the dispute"
**44.32** The king, Rashtravardhana
**50.125** The king, Dasharatha
**44.26** Rashtravardhana was
**23.69** The king, known as Singhakati
**27.156** Parvati of Rahubhadra Muni
**34.68** The king in the beautiful garden
**7.93** Even seven rings
**51.113** The king, Hiranyabahu
**36.38** Kamsa, the enemy, here
**60.154** The king, Megharatha, the lion
**31.297** He attained the enemy, Kalamukha
**45.110, 45.103** The king, with his wives
**35.61** Due to fear of the enemy, the son
**28.49** The king and others, hearing this, departed
**19.164** Ripyaka [Hrushyaka]
**31.19** The king, brave, was there then
**43.129** Rukmini, having bathed her head
**9.45** The kings and others, similarly
**48.11** Rukmini, for Rokmini
**11.114** Rajimati's attainment of penance
**13.100** The abduction of Rukmini, shining
**55.134** Rajimati, beautiful, queenly
**47.135** Rukmini and Jambavati, those two
**17.148** The king's attendant was asked
**42.96** Rukmini was married
**27.102** That Gandhamitra, the king's
**43.227** Seeing Rukmini's younger brother
**24.58** Knowing from my words, the king
**60.125** Rukmini was also asked then
**28.27** Knowing, the king did not inform
**11.118** Rukmini and other wives of Hari
**33.153** The king, having asked this unrighteous one
**43.141** Seeing Rukmini's son
**45.10** In the crores of kings, in time
**42.78** Rukmi and Shishupala
**53.52** The king, with sixteen thousand times
**42.34** Rukmi, his son
**33.165** The queen, with her attendants
**42.180** Rukmi, knowing the story
**18.16** The king, Bhojakavrishni's
**5.619** Ruchaka and other islands
**16.21** Hari, residing in the kingdom
**8.116** Ruchaka, the princess of the directions
**19.103** Residing in the kingdom, he was not satisfied
**6.46** Beautiful and also
**19.582** The kingdom, the science of law
**56.19** Rudra, cruel of mind, creature
**24.71** The kingdom, in the mental impulse
**21.140** Rudradatta, my maternal uncle
**43.167** The kingdom, which is united by this
**49.32** Blood-stained, secret path
**23.38** In the kingdom, a hundred sons, in the kingdom
**31.62** Blood, with sweet words
**3.2** Rudra, like the moon in shadow
**42.92** In the anger of the two, with a shower of arrows
**63.108** Rough, cold, opposite
**17.112, 17.124** Due to action, it is to be said
**17** The beauty of form, all this
**45.122** Beauty of form, grace, good fortune
**8.42** Beauty of form, youth, grace
**22.16** With the noose of knowledge of form
**34.87** Form, the beginning, where there are five
**47.53** Beauty of form, grace, good fortune
**29.7** Full of beauty of form and youth
**42.31** Due to the beauty of form and good fortune, another
**19.125** Beauty of form, grace, good fortune
**19.68** Beauty of form, grace, good fortune
**30.27** Form, name, and that one
**45.197** Full of excellence of form
**205** Excellence of form, in the world
**34.72** Transformations of form, fifteen
**58.173** With artificial forms, of gold
**10.668** Form of money, wealth
**33.25** He ruled, with the wealth of grain, etc.
**29.71** He enjoyed, the beloved, Usunda
**19.76** He enjoyed, desire, with the woman of desire
**16.24** Restraint, the water of the hips and neck
**60.123** Rohini, Devaki, before
**5.276** In Rohya, in Rohitasya
**5.102** Rukmi's, Rukmini's, also
**6.117, 6.171** That Rudra meditation, I have
**65.21** Rudra, the burning, the accompaniment of you
**3.110** Rudra meditation, with a mind free from attachment
**3.171** Rudhira, in battle, proximity
**4.296** Roruke, the raising of the bow
**41.64** Two lakhs, in the fourth
**54.50** Two lakhs, thousands
**7.415, 7.455** One lakhth part, of that palya
**56.55** The mark, two-fold, external
**56.36** The mark, two-fold, of that